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once friends, now lovers

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Im very happy about me and this girl now.

Iv known her for a year, things were a bit differcult the past couple of days about a pedophile and a guy who likes her, and he has a gf.

but iv helped her through it, and shes really up for the first kiss. because i havnt been properly in love before, im not sure how to approach it like. want to do it when its ready, should i leave it until later or should i do it straight away

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now things hav turned bad

shes just told me after all of this

shes gunna go see this guy

the guy she was so uncertain about

now i dunno what to do cos im upset :\

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Let. her. go.


Rule #1 for guys should be to NEVER become the fall-back guy for a girl in a messed up relationship with someone else. You will never get her, she will never be yours, and if she is for a moment, she will go back to her bad relationship with that guy because he is COMPELLING to her for whatever reason. If he weren't, she wouldn't put up with his sh*t. You cannot SAVE women from themselves, especially if they are young.


Do yourself a favor and wean yourself away from her. Find another woman to be interested in who doesn't come with all that baggage. You're wasting your time pining for her when you could be with another girl who would love to kiss you and who would be all about YOU, not some other guy.

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Im very happy about me and this girl now.

Iv known her for a year, things were a bit differcult the past couple of days about a pedophile and a guy who likes her, and he has a gf.

but iv helped her through it, and shes really up for the first kiss. because i havnt been properly in love before, im not sure how to approach it like. want to do it when its ready, should i leave it until later or should i do it straight away


You should know that you're a "friend" of hers and you will always be a "friend" of hers man. You're just a potential option to her, nothing more. Don't waste your time with her.

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