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What do I do? Part 2

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Part 2


First of all, Thanks to Shirley, Robbie and everyone else for their comments and suggestions.


I wanted to elaborate a little more on my situation (please read my earlier post for the gruesome details)..


Last night I got back from a vacation to Puerto Rico with my new 'girlfriend', (as opposed from my ex).


The more time I spend with her, the more my feeings are tending to disappear.


We met through mutual friends back in August, and we actually had worked together a few years ago for a short time. All of our mutual friends haven't been too eager to suggest I date her, as she tends to have a crude and selfish personality. I have overlooked their 'advice' and went ahead and developed a relationship with her.


The more I get to know her, however, the more I am discovering that while we do have things in common, those things are outnumbered by things that either we don't have in common or that are abrasive to me.


When you date someone, you decide which faults you can live with with the other person...and I'm deciding I cannot live with some of Jennifer's faults.


She treats her mother and grandfather (who has alzheimers) with very harsh words and disrespect, and she has this tendency to like to put others down, (as well as me)..and I won't stand for it. She tends to get upset any time I am correct about something.


In any case, I see myself heading down a road I don't want to be on with Jennifer..


This is far worse than anything I experienced with my ex of 5 years. The faults I found with my ex is nothing compared to what I see with Jennifer.


I can't honestly say that my ex of 5 years and I had a bad relationship. We knew each other better than anyone else (including our parents) and our love was deep. Now, I know we've been apart for 2 years and have changed. But since we broke up 2 years ago, my ex in Boston has either called me or written me at least once or twice a month telling me how much she misses me, and how she thinks about me and still loves me. Her and I both have tried to get on with our lives, in dating other people...but it almost seems like we are destined to be together.


I expect I'll probably receive different comments on this, either way..which is appreciated.


Thanks for your ears..(and eyes)



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