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I hate this girl and my b/f is still nice to her

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I had a fall out with one of my friends two years ago really bad. After we weren't friends she would talk horrible about me, spread rumors about me, would talk about me to my boy friend, and even tried to get my boy friend to break up with me! She hurt me really bad, and I've hated her ever since. My boy friend unfortuanatley is still ever so nice to her. She started dating my boy friends best friend so now I have to see her all the time. And my boy friend just ignores my feelings and says that I'm immature. But she's the one that hurt me! So now when my boy friend has get togethers at his house she of course of always there with her boy friend. I feel like my boyfriend doesnst even care about my feelings. He says that she has grown up alot, but what about my resentment towards her still! It would be different if he didn't really say anything to her, but he totally acknowledges her, teases and jokes around with her like she's one of his friends. I need ALOT of help please!

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Ok, I promise Im not trying to be rude, but if this happened so long ago, why cant you get over it? Does she hold any sort of grudge with you? If not, then there is no reason for you to as well. I am not saying be best freinds with this girl, but your boyfreind IS entitled to have freinds, including ex freinds, especially ones that are dating his best freind. Maybe she has grown up a lot, its been years, people do change. What did she do taht was so awful, that years later, you cant forgive? If you ask me, it is time to forgive and forget. It for one thingw ill make things smoother with your boyfreind, and you wont feel so left out all the time. Like I said, you dont have to be best freinds with the girl, just try and get a long with her. Im sure its easeir said than done, but I dont know what happened. So that is my 2cents

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