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need any romantic ideas?

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:) hey all, I figured i'd post some ideas that I've done in the past throughout my LDR. Maybe they will help some of your minds to cross over to the creative side.


Before my SO left, I made a scrapbook full of pictures and little knick-knacts that symbolized something special to the two of us. He loved it and tells me he looks through it from time to time when he's away. I only filled half of it and on the last filled page I wrote him a letter telling him I'm so proud of him and that here's to filling in the rest of the pages when he gets back. He absolutely loved that.


This time, since he's leaving for yet another school year, I'm getting a jar and filling it with 265 M'Ms (since he'll be gone for 265 days). It's going to include a poem and directions for him to only consume one M'M a day until he comes home.


Another great idea i had was on this past Valentine's Day...I sent him a panty gram. He LOVED it. Go to sendapantygram.com and you get to send them a sexy message in a neat and creative way.


The key to a LDR is to keep things fresh, and new. Don't let yourself get bored. And make visits special for when you two are together.


On our 1 yr. Anniversary, he came to visit and I surprised him with a hotel room, decorated with rose petals, with champagne and candles already lit (I had my friends help with the setup while I kept him away from it all). It was amazing and a memory he and I will never forget.


I'm wondering if anyone else out there has had any bright and creative ideas? and I'll post more of mine whenever I think of them.

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If my girlfriend did something like this, it would mean alot. I am thinking about making a power-point, musical presentation for her before I leave (job-related travel).


You make some good points - I'm going to be thinking of some creative, nice things for her while we are apart.

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I'm getting a jar and filling it with 265 M'Ms (since he'll be gone for 265 days). It's going to include a poem and directions for him to only consume one M'M a day until he comes home.


This is such a cute idea!

I think I'm going to have to steal this :>


The only problem is that my boyfriend's move is permanent, and we really don't have any set visitation dates in exception to whenever I have a break with school I guess.


What a great idea though; I loves it!

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..I'm getting a jar and filling it with 265 M'Ms (since he'll be gone for 265 days). It's going to include a poem and directions for him to only consume one M'M a day until he comes home.


Do you know that you can get personalized M&Ms? Google "mymms" for more info.


It's a nice way to celebrate/comemorate a special occasion. I did it for my b/f's birthday (personalized message plus used colors of his home team) and he and his friends were blown away as they had never seen anything like it before.


Another variation without candy is to just write up how ever many little love notes and put them in a jar/box with instructions to your loved one to open one a day. Messages can be mention a special memory, favorite things, special sentiments, wishes, dreams, etc. What's kind of fun is that what message is drawn is completely random, so your SO (and you!) never know what's the "message du jour."


There are also a lot of sites on-line where you can just print off pre-designed love notes. Google "love notes" or "love tokens" and see. If you don't want to be that crafty, there are also some neat sets out there that come in a small tin box or velveteen pouch which are "coupons" or pewter coins you can give to your loved one so that they can "redeem" them once the two of you are together again...


Lots of options if you just spend some time looking or use your imagination. Have fun! :)




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thats another good idea that I've thought about doing before. He left yesterday and i gave him the gift (jar of mm's) and I told him he couldn't open it until he got there. I included a picture of the two of us caressing he hadn't seen before and I glued a long distance love poem to the back of it along with the directions for the jar. He txted me when he got there and opened it (since i was at work) the following:


"Thank you for the card and the mm's. You've done some great things for me, but this is the sweetest, most thoughtful thing you've ever done for me and it really means a lot. And it's alos my wish, and I'd be the happiest man in thee world if it came true. I love you"


and the wish he's refering too was in the poem i included, talking about us starting a life together when he gets back.


I also had the same idea for the personalized MM's you were talking about Tmichaels. I looked at it and I was tempted to put our initials on them and so forth. It was kindof expensive and I knew that gary's favorite mm's were the peanut ones so i just got him those at a regular price. He ended up loving it so it works. He's so excited to use them too! I was talking to him after work last night and he kept asking me questions about it like "does it start today?" lol. It was adorable.


I suggest this to anyone, if there like my SO, they will be touched beyond belief...and you'll get major points. lol. Hope this helps :)

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