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what is the situation now?

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hi i'm a 25 yr old female, w/o bf. i have recently transferred to another department. recently, i noticed my boss is behaving rather friendly toward me. she is not my immediate superior and i rarely have direct reporting work repsonsibilites under her.


She's 40 yr old, single, confident and attractive. there were a few times where we have intense eye contact but we simply smile without saying anything more. she holds high position in our company and usually carry herself in a dignify manner. i'm not sure whether its her high authority that make me shy and nervous around her. i'm sure she's awared of this as i bumped into her during lunch one day and she commented we should lunch and talk more to each other.


she always make effort to initate small talk and crack jokes with me (only when other co-workers are not around , other co-worker are around her age). during random chatting in one of the corporate function, we were talking about age and birthday, she instantly pointed out i'm a scorpio just like her.


i can feel a connection between us, due to similar traits that i see in her and myself and somehow i feel she's checking me out like commenting on my weight and diet however i just couldn't muster my courage to narrow the distance between us (due to our work relationship).


i'm also confused by her small actions of concern, is she hitting on me subtlely or merely showing motherly love over her subordinate.


what should i do next? try to click and become closer friend? or remain status quo?

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