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what happened?

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we went out for a month, he said we clicked, he liked me and that there was an attraction, but that it seemed to him that we were interested in different things, that he didn't want to get married by now. the thing is he thought I was the serious type of girl (the type to go home to mommy), he said we should be friends and maybe in a future something would happen...well at last, nothing happened.


I send my crush a letter on facebook (on a message)..in which I confessed I liked him and that I would like to get to know him better.

We had spoken before, it seemed as if he was going out with another girl, nothing serious it was kind of a nothing relationship, just booty buddies.

He never answered my letter...in messenger he connected and said hello, how are you blah blah blah...but, he never even mentioned my letter. so I took that as an "I don't care answer", and I am going on with my life.

Why didn't he answer yes or no...I mean, why? was it to hard to say...I am not interested but thank you, or....you know what? I'd love to go out with you someday, but lately I've been busy or whatever....

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