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if someone you date sent you a text messege

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with a picture of himself screwing someone else just to be a jerk what would you do? This is what happen...


When i met this man he told me he had lost his wife to cancer 2 years ago and was now a single father with 2 minors at home. Seemed to have more class then most guys I dated. Well yesterday I was on my space and did a search for him *been knowing the guy for a couple of years and wanted to see if he had a my space. Well didn't find him but found his son whom had him and a few other interesting people for one (HIS WIFE) whom is not dead.


I would never ever date a married man. And I was livid. So I text him and inform him that I know he was lying to me. He responded by sending me a picture of him having sex with another women (not his wife) and it was not discrete in any way. I was so mad that I made a new my space account and posted the three pictures he sent on it. After I did it I was feeling guilty and deleted it. But not before he seen it.


Also the reason I did the my space search was because a friend of mine that I introduced to him had just informed me that he was hanging out there and getting friendly with her family. Borrowed $5000.00 and has now disappeared. And changed his number. I know he moved I helped him. Do I give these folks his address and number? Or stay out of it? I feel so betrayed I didn't even know he went behind my back and visited these people.:mad:


What would you have done in this situation?

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it wasnt actually his wifes page but one of his kids with the title broken family as her name. That broke my heart. I didnt want to involve his kids. i just got an email saying he called the cops and told them I am selling drugs in my home. I am not and I have a past but don't use or have anything to do with drugs in my home. He is doing it to make me look bad to my roommates. Can he do that?

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He can try to do anything. Without proof or any evidence, what difference does it make?


I think he's full of it. Oh and yes, give your friends his new address but verbally, not via email or text of any kind.


Beyond that, stay away from this whack-job. Ignore his correspondence from now on but save them, in case you need proof for all kinds of reasons.

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Thanks Girl your a great help!!! Appreciate it. I'm shacking all over. Out of anger not jealousy. The guy never really did anything to catch my fancy. I should have known something was wrong he was so secretive.

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What would you have done in this situation?


Extinguish him. No contact. No response. No nothing. He would cease to exist and I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing I was upset. I would just vanish where he was concerned.

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Vanish I am. I blocked his number and emailed myself all his text mess in case I need them to defend myself. But was I wrong for posting them on my space. I feel so bad about that. Why I do not know. And what about giving his info to the people he borrowed money from? I mean that makes me look bad Im the one who introduced him to them.

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Vanish I am. I blocked his number and emailed myself all his text mess in case I need them to defend myself. But was I wrong for posting them on my space. I feel so bad about that. Why I do not know. And what about giving his info to the people he borrowed money from? I mean that makes me look bad Im the one who introduced him to them.


Well, I wouldn't have done it but what's done is done and you can't undo it so put it behind you and just look forward. And no breaking NC for any reason.

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Wow, the nerve of this dude...sounds pretty twisted and totally mental, if you ask me...not to mention a royal manipulator. And 5 grand is a LOT of f*king money, I would give them his address in a heartbeat....what a d**ch bag.


It would be sweet revenge to get those pics to his wife; but he's sounds so twisted, it's probably better left alone and put behind you as soon as poss.

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That is for sure. You would not believe what a fa sod this jerk went through for the past 2 years. Crying and brooding on dates that pertained to his wife like he missed her and blah blah blah. How could someone say a person that is alive is dead? That just freaks me out.

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