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Older women date younger men, because...


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This is so odd. We don't hunt. We are THE HUNTED. We get hit on wherever we go - grocery store, post office, gym, work, etc., etc. We don't have to do anything. We're not even TRYING to do anything. It just keeps happening to us!! I can't prove it to you, but maybe you can take my word for it.:D:D



Are we talking about long term relationships? Or quick sex?


Let me share a story..


I was at a friends house who lives on the main road.


There was a mentally handicapped girl limping down the street, but she looked well endowed in the chest area. She was obviously handicapped.


Within the 5 minutes that she was walking past the house, 3 different men pulled over to offer her a ride.. "hey baby", then almost begging her to get in...


That is how horny men are. So when you are approached, do not mistake this for the men thinking you are their dream woman.. Older women on this thread admit to meeting younger guys and having sex within minutes. Thats why they are hitting on you..They hit on anything that moves, even if physically and mentally handicapped.

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... because they can... and.. nature's joke on humans, the difference in the age of sexual peak between men and women.


thats sexual peak sht is bs, I get way more sex now then I did when I was 18 and I think I'm producing more testosterone too. My voice is surely deeper then when I was a teen

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Are we talking about long term relationships? Or quick sex?


Let me share a story..


I was at a friends house who lives on the main road.


There was a mentally handicapped girl limping down the street, but she looked well endowed in the chest area. She was obviously handicapped.


Within the 5 minutes that she was walking past the house, 3 different men pulled over to offer her a ride.. "hey baby", then almost begging her to get in...


That is how horny men are. So when you are approached, do not mistake this for the men thinking you are their dream woman.. Older women on this thread admit to meeting younger guys and having sex within minutes. Thats why they are hitting on you..They hit on anything that moves, even if physically and mentally handicapped.

that reminds me of this girl who was a hostess at a Friday's. she had a deformed face from a birth defect, but she had a beautiful ass I have to admit and she never had a problem getting laid


Even gave it some thought myself

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Are we talking about long term relationships? Or quick sex?


Let me share a story..


I was at a friends house who lives on the main road.


There was a mentally handicapped girl limping down the street, but she looked well endowed in the chest area. She was obviously handicapped.


Within the 5 minutes that she was walking past the house, 3 different men pulled over to offer her a ride.. "hey baby", then almost begging her to get in...


That is how horny men are. So when you are approached, do not mistake this for the men thinking you are their dream woman.. Older women on this thread admit to meeting younger guys and having sex within minutes. Thats why they are hitting on you..They hit on anything that moves, even if physically and mentally handicapped.



I'm thinking if you posted this to simply degrade older women a little more that it kind of backfired on you. You've basically just described all men as being little better than animals.


Btw, I'm also not hearing any woman on this thread stating that she feels that she's anybody's "dream woman" We get that you feel we're worthless Von, I have to ask you though,just how do you feel women 45 yrs of age and older should conduct ourselves, what in your opinion is the appropriate way to spend what might be another 30-35 years on the planet?

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Jersey Shortie

They hit on anything that moves, even if physically and mentally handicapped



Wow. I don't know what kind of people you know or what kind of neigborhood you live in but the men you know, and the men I know, are completely different. Men that pray on mentally handicapped women are degenerates. Unless they have a sincere interest in that woman, they are predators taking advantage of a situation. If you think that was any compliment to your gender, or to yourself, or if you even think that that was the normal behavior of what most men would do, you are kidding yourself.


But lets take that question public, how many men here would pray on a handicapped girl just because she had a nice figure? I am betting most men wouldn't.



that reminds me of this girl who was a hostess at a Friday's. she had a deformed face from a birth defect, but she had a beautiful ass I have to admit and she never had a problem getting laid


And I know men who are 300 pounds who can get laid. There are million of girls out there with beautiful asses and non-deformed faces. It's funny that you reduce her to these two traits. It could very well be possible she had other stellar qualities.


I'm sorry but some of the "gentlmen" here seem quite angry and nasty to women in general..whether they are older, younger, aren't physically perfect, have children or mentally handicapped. I am beginning to see that for some of the guys here, it has more to do with the fact that these human beings are women. More then anything else since that is the common denominator for their degrading and spiteful comments.

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I met this chick .she was 35. I started spittin game. Then picked up the couger with a wise maneuver.;)

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Men are driven by sex, no doubt.


In countries where prostitution is legal, many go that route.


In countries where younger women mature faster, emotionally, mentally, etc, men go that route.


In the USA older women are the best option for a FWB, or fling.


I am just saying, that the vast majority of older women and younger men is based on sex. That should not be an insult. Read some of Lizzies posts. She is proud of it.

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Men are driven by sex, no doubt.


In countries where prostitution is legal, many go that route.



Prostitution buisness is probably boming now a days.

With so many more woman being independent now a days they feel they dont need men. Single moms and all that. Statistics show.


Plus, as opposed to taking a girl out wine and dine and all thst jazz its not a guarentee. Might as well use that money to bang a hooker and skip all the mumbo jumbo.

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Men are driven by sex, no doubt.


In countries where prostitution is legal, many go that route.


In countries where younger women mature faster, emotionally, mentally, etc, men go that route.


In the USA older women are the best option for a FWB, or fling.


I am just saying, that the vast majority of older women and younger men is based on sex. That should not be an insult. Read some of Lizzies posts. She is proud of it.


how old are you talking and where do you get this information... is this just stuff you made up because it feels true to you?

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how old are you talking and where do you get this information... is this just stuff you made up because it feels true to you?


Well, tell me why you feel young men. 18-30, hit on women, 40- 50? For the traditional courtship/relationship/start a family/get married types of things?

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Well, tell me why you feel young men. 18-30, hit on women, 40- 50? For the traditional courtship/relationship/start a family/get married types of things?


I don't know I'm not psychologist, and havn't ready any studies. I'll agree men think about sex but when it comes right down to it many have codes they live by that wouldnt allow them to go after hookers or older women just for sex. Even men can feel dirty. I personaly would only persue a sexual relationship with some one I was attracted to and that wouldn't include most if any 40-50 year olds.

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