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second chance, but the guy slept with his ex

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my ex asked for second chance, and told me to observe him and he is totally changing, always home, and not contact his ex after we broke up.



His ex and me both have his kids.


He told me I am a good woman, homey mom and always watch over others, take care of other people, which means giving.


But his ex controling, demanding, do nothing and always use his money and they are 100% over. we have sex once a while usually twice a week.


But his ex told me once they have really strong chemistry and everytime they met they had sex.


And I asked him where he was last night, he said the kid could not sleep, and he has to bring him to the crib in his ex house and put him down there to sleep. and then she asked for sex and they did sex, because she asked it.


What is that all about?

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He's playing you both, he's probably loving the attention from the both of you and pitting you against each other.


The guy is obvioulsy bad news and you need to be very very cautious.

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What kind of man is this?


He can just had sex with me today and next day do with her.


I don't understand. He told me he loves me so much, want to marry me, etc.


Then his ex just called me said he told him the same thing, he want to marry her and had hot sex all the time.

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Well actions speak louder than words and his actions aren't matching up with what he's telling you. If he meant what he said he wouldn't be going with the other women.


Do not waste your time with this loser, you deserve much better. Lifes too short to suffer when you don't have to.

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I'm going to wake you up. I'm a male and I can see exactly what he's doing.


Look listen he's in a very good spot right now. He has 2 families and 2 women who don't want to cut him loose and will both put up with his behaviour and allow him to sleep with them for possibly several reasons. Does he keep you both financially stable? Good with the kids, neither of you want to be "truely" single mums and want the childrens "real" dad around.


Well listen your both being played for fools and just because you have his children doesn't mean you just sit there and take it to save face. Honestly


I'm chuckling at why you're with this man he's disrespecting both of you, I guarantee when he's at the "ex's" home, he will twist stories that you are the nagging crazy one. Damn some guys can really manipulate women so well, throw them some good looks , money or both and women will take any crap you give them.


From an evolutionary stand this guys doing his job passing his genes on to any hole that will accept, wonder how many mini mes he's got out there hmm. From a civilized society point of view(I use that term lightly) he's being a bit of a greedy little boy. Have you, the boyfriend and the ex just thought about saying bye bye to monogamy and just living all together? you don't really seem that upset he's sleeping with the ex, this would sure solve alot of issues ... I can't believe I'm even saying this.

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Observer, you really nailed it to her head. I'm sorry, but this is just too pathetic. Leave the loser. Take the poor kid. Do you honestly want your baby to grow up and see his/her dad behave in such a disgusting manner?

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