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should I give him a chance?


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There is this guy I've been seeing for the past two years. He has strong feelings for me and he has asked me to be his g/f many times....


I rejected him a couple of times already but he's still hoping that I'd change my mind. He's a really nice guy, I really enjoy talking to him, going out with him etc, but I just can't seem to find feelings for him.


We haven't been talking for a while now recently and I begin to miss him. Now I'm confused....was I just taking him for granted or am I missing his company? I've never been in a relantionship before and I'm quite scared of being in one. I don't know what to expect from it.


He's the closest guy friend I've known, but I never had a crush on him although I did have crushes on other guys.


What should I do? Should I give him a chance??


Please help!

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There is this guy I've been seeing for the past two years. He has strong feelings for me and he has asked me to be his g/f many times....


I rejected him a couple of times already but he's still hoping that I'd change my mind. He's a really nice guy, I really enjoy talking to him, going out with him etc, but I just can't seem to find feelings for him. We haven't been talking for a while now recently and I begin to miss him. Now I'm confused....was I just taking him for granted or am I missing his company? I've never been in a relantionship before and I'm quite scared of being in one. I don't know what to expect from it. He's the closest guy friend I've known, but I never had a crush on him although I did have crushes on other guys. What should I do? Should I give him a chance??


Please help!

Sure you miss him! He's your buddy, and over the past two years you're got used to spending time together.


But it sounds like you love him like a brother and not a partner. You are not attracted to him, never have been, and after two years, I think it's highly unlikely that those feelings are going to change.


Be kind to him, and come to a decision, and let him get on with his life.


Good luck

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There is this guy I've been seeing for the past two years. He has strong feelings for me and he has asked me to be his g/f many times....


I rejected him a couple of times already but he's still hoping that I'd change my mind. He's a really nice guy, I really enjoy talking to him, going out with him etc, but I just can't seem to find feelings for him. We haven't been talking for a while now recently and I begin to miss him. Now I'm confused....was I just taking him for granted or am I missing his company? I've never been in a relantionship before and I'm quite scared of being in one. I don't know what to expect from it. He's the closest guy friend I've known, but I never had a crush on him although I did have crushes on other guys. What should I do? Should I give him a chance??


Please help!



This guy is a friend to you. What you need to think about is what would you be giving him a chance to do. If you don't feel the chemistry now, it will never be there. Yes, you could become emotionally closer to him, but not physically closer. Physical attraction and chemistry are things that can't be controlled or learned.

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