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FWB or feelings?

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Hi all,


Am new to this forum, please be gentle but firm with me :)


I've been seeing someone now for a while (since February) and the relationship we agreed upon was FWB. We've both been hurt before and are not ready for anything else.

We meet occassionally for sex, and get on well.


The only agreement we have between us that we will not see any others, because, even though we obviously practise safe sex, we're still scared of catching something (neither of us having had many sexual partners). And also that if either one of us gets bored or wants out, we will be honest and say so, no hard feelings.


What surprises me, not ever having done anything like this before, is that he is texting me daily. I am not complaining, I guess I like the attention. But before we embarked on this, I thought it would be a matter of getting in touch if either of us wanted a 'bit'. Now and then he drops things into texts like: 'my love' and 'do you still love me'. LOL, I just ignore it, and see it as a jokey kind of thing.


Also he seems to get very touchy feely and seems to do lovey dovey things like stroking my hair, or brushing it out of my face. In between sessions, he keeps stroking my back. Last time, during a session he all of a sudden held me really tight and kept trying to look me in the eyes.


Not unpleasant, any of it, but it scares me a bit as well. I don't think it's that he's falling for me, but perhaps he wants things to get a bit more emotional? I'm not sure if I should end it, don't want to have anything serious with him, but do like the FWB relationship that we have.


Any thoughts would be much appreciated :)

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For me. I have a fwb that just likes to F*ck.


I like it to,Im not gonna catch any feelings for her but I still like to caress,stroke hair, look in eyes and all that $hit because I appreciate a womans body.


I can tell she gets freaked out kinda but cmon. We both know we dont want a relationship so WTF. Why is it wrong to appreciate a womans body.


But the " ilove yous " and all that crap is overboard



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I have a good friend that had a FWB, i totaly disagree with it but if your safe and not having multiple partners then more power to you. It can really toy with peoples emotions even though they don't admit it. But she started to fall for her FWBs and broke it off with him because she wanted to love him and be more than that. Some people may say they want one thing and over time it develops into more and they just cant help it. So he may really be falling for you depending on how long you have had this FWB. If it really concerns you you may want to have a heart to heart with them. Just meet somewhere and strike up a convorsation saying 'you sent me a text the other day saying Iloveu, what was that all about?' If you guys are old enough there will be no beating around the bush and the truth should come out. I think it would be hard to have sex with someone unless you really cared for them.

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