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"My ex loves me but were JUST FREINDS, he acts like im his gf but likes other girls 2

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ok here the story!


I have been going out with my ex for a little over a year and then breaks up with me, and so on and so fourth.


After he broke up with me i tried everything to make him think of how much i cared about him, and he did seemed like he cared at all, but he said that he did care about me still, but he still left me crying, and he tried making me feel better by huging me.


but after things got a little better, he goes and kisses these other girls that he knows and i know and tells me about that, but he never went out with them. also the bad thing was if he thought they were cute he would kiss them, then the next day go to a different girl and kiss her, but kiss the other girl that he thought was cute.


but now he kind of want nothing to do with these girls now, and want to hang with me, and he kisses me and stuff, but my ex told me that he has a big crush on this girl that he knows. but now it feels like we are going out, because he wants me to have sex, and i do want to have sex with because i love, him and i know he loves me.


im so confused, i dont know if i should kiss him and have sex with him, because we arent going out and he has a crush on a girl.


what should i do, should i move on or should i see of what he thinks of me and really love? and if he really does love what should i do to know he really loves me, what should i say to him?


i need all the help i can get


signed confused girl that still loves her ex so much!

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The likelihood is having sex with this guy will make you feel even worse in the long run. He doesn't know what he wants and is either playing a nasty game with you, or is completely insensitive to your feelings.


if he really does love what should i do to know he really loves me


Trust me, I'm pretty sure he doesn't. If he did, he wouldn't be behaving like this.


Sorry Kleigh304, but my advice would be: Don't risk your sexual or emotional health by sleeping with this Vixer!!

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