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Where can I find rich men?

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If this is a serious inquiry then you may want to catch some episodes of that millionaire dating show. Extremely wealthy men want the top brand of everything, including women. Preferably young, in top shape, beautiful, ambitious, intelligent, etc. If you are any less than a 9.5 in any category you don't really have much of a chance of landing a rich man unless he is desperate or is just looking for someone to slum with.

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I think that there is a site about millionnaires.. (google : millionnaire or rich men dating sites, etc.).. you probably will find a lot there.. ;)

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I think you have a limitless number of options:


1. The Bank

2. Local Porsche dealership

3. Local BMW dealership

4. millionaires.com

5. Hollywood - I hear there are a lot of stars out there!

6. The mirror (as in, see if you can figure out how to make a few million yourself and you won't have to depend on finding a millionaire - I hear they're in high demand anyway) :laugh:

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LOL...I was going to say that.


Go to the casino in Atlantis. There are a lot of loaded men there that drove up on their yachts just to gamble for fun.

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Every man is rich is his own way. If you mean wealthy and you are a gold digger then you need to be very attractive and sexy. It doesn't hurt to be intelligent but don't count on marrying one of these men. They may WANT YOU but unless you come from a good family you are just eye/arm candy.

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Well reminds me my EX was a millionaire. Maybe I should have stayed with him. But I'm not a gold digger and money can't buy love or happiness.

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A rich man will have absolutely no interest in you unless you look like a model. If you don't, then don't waste your time.


And if you ARE lucky enough to look like a model, then get what you can while the getting's good... because a rich man, who's used to thinking in terms of profit, loss, and return on investment, will see you for what you are: a depreciating asset.


What that means, loveplum, is that the time in which you'll be able to mooch off him will be measured in years, not decades. As soon as your level of objective hotness goes down -- which it will -- you'll be on the curb, tear-stained copy of your prenuptial agreement in hand. He'll be off banging a younger, hotter gold digger and lavishing HER with money. You'll be yesterday's trash.


Or, if you might actually have a little bit of substance to you, maybe drop your single-minded focus on finding a rich sugar daddy, and find a guy who's stable with a good job, treats you well, appreciates you for more than just your ass/mouth/tits, and who challenges you emotionally and mentally. Betcha you'll find it a lot more rewarding in the long run.

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A rich man will have absolutely no interest in you unless you look like a model. If you don't, then don't waste your time.


Nah, a lot of the rich men I know are married to pretty ordinary looking women. But they definitely won't be interested in someone who's interested in them for their money. That just ain't gonna happen.

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What that means, loveplum, is that the time in which you'll be able to mooch off him will be measured in years, not decades. As soon as your level of objective hotness goes down -- which it will -- you'll be on the curb, tear-stained copy of your prenuptial agreement in hand. He'll be off banging a younger, hotter gold digger and lavishing HER with money. You'll be yesterday's trash.



You know...not all rich men are @ssholes. Some of them can be really nice guys...like my ex.

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Nah, a lot of the rich men I know are married to pretty ordinary looking women. But they definitely won't be interested in someone who's interested in them for their money. That just ain't gonna happen.

If so, check her pedigree. Most likely she's bringing something to the table, whether it's money or a family connection.

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I assume this is not a serious question, but let me tell you seriously about the life with a multi-millionaire.


Let me start by pointing out that I had know clue how much money my husband had unti I've lived with him (married) for 9 months, when he suddenly sold his company. We live in a very small, very old house, I only spend money on groceries, and am regularly criticized by him if I spend on phone calls with my parents who live 5,000 miles away. I drive a 7-year old Caddy and since it ends up in the shop every few months, he doesn't miss the opportunity to give me a hard time about paying for MY car, when I should be paying for it.


As of several months ago, he stopped giving me money whatsoever (because he told me he wanted me out, but when I recently decided to leave, he did everything to stop me), so I've been spending my savings for groceries and gas. He does take us to lunches and dinners, buys toys for the kids, and as mentioned above, pays or my car repairs, as well as for car and health insurance - but constantly rubs it in my face.


Altogether, he rubs it in my face all the time that he's been supporting me and my children. He actually adores my kids and calls them "my sons" (his sons), but when it comes to rubbing the money in my face, he claims he doesn't have to support them, but he's been too kind and I've been too ungrateful.


Since the day I came, he started showing me that now the bill for the water is much higher than before I moved in with him (it went up by $20 or so). When he spends $15,000 in two months, mostly for his airplane, he criticizes ME that "WE spent a lot of money."


All he ever talks about is money, money, money... Marriage equals money. (I was married before a middle-class guy and we never ever fought about money.) He told me "What did you give ME?" I said "I gave you all I had: my heart." He said "What did you give me in $$$?" His second wife and I are worthless in his eyes because we are poor. His first wife, however, is wonderful, because she not only has a lot of money, but she gave it all to HIM. Yes, you read that correctly. She put all of her assets in HIS name. I've heard him saying "I love you" to her more times than to me. Hell, I haven't heard "I love you" in the past 2 years (and we've been married for 2.5 years).


The sex stopped in week three. He's been controlling and mentally and emotionally abusive. This IS related to the money topic, because his wealth is the reason why he feels strong and entitled to treat his wife as a slave. His family has the same mindset, so they too abused me since day one.


Oh, I forgot to say that 11 months ago, he told me we should divorce and I should start paying him rent, as well as sharing all the bills with him. Before we got married, he wanted to sign a nuptial agreement which stated that I get NOTHING if we divorce within two years (after the second anniversary, a certain amount was stated). Well, he didn't bring up the agreement until he sold the company, but by that time, he threatened me with divorce so many times, that I constantly imagined myself in severe poverty with two kids on my back and with no one in a foreign country. On top of that, he managed to convince me that I had no "marketable skills" and I could only work as a waitress (I have a college degree in business, speak several languages, and have very professional skills in audio/music production).


Back to the postnup, I ask him to at least change the amount to something instead of nothing since he wants me out of his life, and he blackmils me that if I don't sign the postnup, he'll divorce me immediately, which would mean the kids and I would get deported. It was a very stressful period for me, but... I had to have an attorney representing me and my attorney told me that the agreement was totally insulting and an immigrations attorney tells me that I would not get deported in any case. So now I hold some cards in my hand and I tell him that I would not just get out in the street, that there are certain marital assets and finally, he was the one who wanted me to be a stay-at-home mom. He can't just throw me out in the street.


So he comes up with certain figures and suggests $125,000 if we divorce immediately, and more and more with each year. So, we signed it and all I really wanted was to talk about our marriage (not divorce). One of my conditions to signing the postnup was to go to marriage counseling and him to commit to our relationship. He promised all that, but as soon as I signed, he started talkin about divorce again, and I thought that once he knows he'd have to pay in case of divorce, he wouldn't just throw the "D" word that easily. I also thought that taking care of me in case of separation meant he loved me. A few months later, he changed his mind and said we had to stop the $125K from growing further OR he would divorce me immediately. OK, I wanted our marriage to succeed, I thought $125K was plenty, and I signed the ammendment.


Ever since we signed the first one (more than a year ago), he constantly gives me a hard time about it, and says THAT is why this marriage failed. Of course, at other times, he blames other things, but it's always my fault. For example, his family abused me for a year and I kept being nice to them; finally, I started talking back and now he says I abused his family. The lack of sex is my fault too (he said he got disgusted by me because I snooped in his computer in the first month and discovered that he told his cybr-GF that he wasn't married, that I was just his girlfriend). But that's not relevant to the subject. I kept telling him that THAT amount is unimportant if we stay married forever, which was my desire.


So, the conclusion is: marry a rich guy and you will not only be poor, but he will make you feel poorer than ever; he wil rub it in your face, he will use your position against you, and he will have his rich family back him up. He will feel entitled to treat you like crap and tell you that you should show gratitude and never ask for anything such as love, sex or affection. On top of that, you will have everyone around you bash you for being married to a wealthy man, call you a prostitute and a gold digger (as you can read in my latest thread). You will live the life of a sigle woman who makes $1-2,000 per month, but everyone will envy you and/or judge you.


My advice: even if you fall in love with a rich man - run for the hills. Don't hope that a human being could have power and not use it against you. If he were a sweet thing, he wouldn't devote his life to creating more and more power for himself. Rich people don't just get rich cuz they are smart and talented; they get rich because that was the most important thing in their lives since they were very young. And this profile of people has little chance to be loving and caring. Even if he inherited his wealth, it means he was raised by certain norms - to look down at people who are less successful. My husband always tells me how his father said that being poor is nothing to be ashamed of, BUT it's nothing to be proud of either (and his father was not even wealthy until he started working for his sons' company). These people see others through the prism of their bank accounts.


My misfortune is that I never wanted to marry a wealthy guy; I always knew that any imbalance is not good for a relationship. But he hid the fact from me. If you want to be rich - get rich yourself. The torture is not worth the money, especially if you're like me and don't care about luxury. Money can't buy happiness. That doesn't mean that we don't need money to eat, drive, live in a decent, safe neighborhood, send our kids to college, and travel once in a while. But being middle-class is the perfect life, if you ask me. More money, more heartache.

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Might I suggest a rich man do-it-youself kit? Pick up some bum, give him lots of money, and Tah-Dah! You have yourself a rich man.

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:mad:fricken gold diggers

The part that most men hate about gold diggers is - that they are not rich enough to catch a bunch of gorgeous gold diggers! :laugh:

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Rich people don't just get rich cuz they are smart and talented; they get rich because that was the most important thing in their lives since they were very young. And this profile of people has little chance to be loving and caring.

RecordProducer, after reading this I realise that I haven't given you enough credit in the past. You have come a long way. Or you were there all along and I had to catch up with you.

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Oh come now. There's a selection of caring and uncaring people in every financial sector of the population. It's like saying that all the poor can't care because they're too busy staying alive.


RP, you've had one experience with one wealthy man. To paint all wealthy people with the same broad brush strokes based on one dysfunctional relationship of complete non-compatibility, is neither reasonable or rational.

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The part that most men hate about gold diggers is - that they are not rich enough to catch a bunch of gorgeous gold diggers! :laugh:



Tryin to get me stuck in the mix :confused:

Stayin sharp I ain't got time for them tricks

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It's like saying that all the poor can't care because they're too busy staying alive.
It's totally not like saying that. If we accept that all cats have tails, that doesn't mean that all non-cat animals have no tails. It only means that all cats have tails. That's it.


RP, you've had one experience with one wealthy man. To paint all wealthy people with the same broad brush strokes based on one dysfunctional relationship of complete non-compatibility, is neither reasonable or rational.
... and you're defnding rich peple because...? :laugh: Maybe they are not all like that, but I was pointing out a situation that's very disturbing and that comes from the fact thta he is wealthy. He can't be the only on ewho is like that.


BentSpine (is your username refering to me? :D), thank you. :)

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... and you're defnding rich peple because...? :laugh: Maybe they are not all like that, but I was pointing out a situation that's very disturbing and that comes from the fact thta he is wealthy. He can't be the only on ewho is like that.

Because I do know a lot of wealthy people who are very caring and a lot that aren't. I also know a lot of non-wealthy people who are very caring and a lot that aren't. Check around LS and you will find all kinds of people, in all kinds of distress, in all kinds of financial conditions.


People come in all shapes and sizes RP. While your one wealthy husband may have lived and breathed money, he's one in millions.


To apply my own broad brush strokes, you'll also find quite a difference between the nouveau rich and old money. Very different attitudes towards life.

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