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Anyone had much success with this? I think having a hypnotist would work better, but I'm looking for a thriftier solution.


Things motive would like to address


-Self confidence

-Self discipline



That about sums it up.

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Motive, yes, working with a hypnotist is more beneficial for reasons including, s/he can: (a) help you get clear on your, er, motives, goals, any limiting/sabotaging beliefs, self-defeating habits, etc., and (b) use more than one technique during a single hypnosis session, © act to help keep you accountable, and (d) easier recognize a 'new' issue that needs to be addressed for you to be successful.


But you can still get excellent results with self-hypnosis if you practice it consistently and persistently. The caution there is to consult with your medical doctor to ensure that you also have proper professional advice in conjunction with your self-help program.

Perhaps you also want to complement your self-hypnosis practices by joining an on-line support group for the issue(s) where you feel it might facilitate your success.


A couple of good books to learn the basics: 'Hypnosis for Change [3rd Edition]' by Josie Hadley and Carol Staudacher, and/or 'Psych Yourself In' by Marlene Hunter.

hypknowsis.com also has an extensive database of (free) good info and scripts. If you click on the "goals" tab, a list of free scripts is at the very bottom. For self-discipline, you may also want to look-up procrastination, focus, concentration, time management, etc. (Specific things that you've identified that block you from being as self-disciplined as you want to be.)


Good luck.

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