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cougars and cubs - how young is too young?


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LOL. Pretty much.


Can you imagine a ONS having a SO and thinking so little of you that they would invite you to a party where they were at?


No I can't imagine that, I am too embarassed to even think about it. :lmao:



he's one of those who changes his profile name to reinvent himself - very Madonna, right? ) ;)


I don't blame him I would change my name too if my romantic life consisted of half the crap he tells us about. Did you read the other thread where he says that men that cum too quickly the first time they sleep with a girl is because they just want to get the hell out of there? Then when you ask him how he knows this, since he is a guy and doesn't sleep with many men, he backs up his theory with what "men" that poke fat chicks they pick up on Craig's list for ONS do.


Hmmmm ok HOW would you EVEN know what men do to these fatties on Craig'slist unless you are one of the dudes that persues them?

So in conclusion he lays women he doesn't even WANT to lay and has to scurry out of there because he can't even stand what he is doing!?! :lmao:

That is the epitome of sad.


At least Madonna has something to show for it!

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Many men slept with a fat chick once in their life.



Just like some women on this thread might be drug addicts and have unprotected sex during threesomes with 2 with gay guys, and wonder why they wont date her lol(Brilliant J!), or others on this thread might might work in the sex trade.


The thread is about cougars and cubs. Yes, older women do tend to be easier. The only other man on the thread is saying the same thing.

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No I can't imagine that, I am too embarassed to even think about it. :lmao:





I don't blame him I would change my name too if my romantic life consisted of half the crap he tells us about. Did you read the other thread where he says that men that cum too quickly the first time they sleep with a girl is because they just want to get the hell out of there? Then when you ask him how he knows this, since he is a guy and doesn't sleep with many men, he backs up his theory with what "men" that poke fat chicks they pick up on Craig's list for ONS do.


Hmmmm ok HOW would you EVEN know what men do to these fatties on Craig'slist unless you are one of the dudes that persues them?

So in conclusion he lays women he doesn't even WANT to lay and has to scurry out of there because he can't even stand what he is doing!?! :lmao:

That is the epitome of sad.


At least Madonna has something to show for it!


Oh, I know, right? I can't imagine being treated like that EVER. But, I guess when you pick up girls in bars, and then are so confused that you consider them "dates" (LMAO at that one!), what can you expect? Talk about not being involved in any kind of reality. I guess he figures her further humilation of him meant she really liked him. Oh wait, he DID say that, didn't he? I love it. :)


That last part is HYSTERICAL. OMG - I truly choked on my soda. :lmao::lmao:

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Neither is right or wrong. Each individual woman has her reasons.


Ok, if you want to believe they know what they want, and take it, then feel free. From the male point of view it is easier all the same.

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Ok lol.. The old lady is now using the man, and that should be applauded.. On other threads, men are sick bastards for using a woman for sex..


But it is impossible that the younger man is using the woman just for sex?

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Many men slept with a fat chick once in their life.



Sure sure but no self respecting guy that has got game trolls Craigslist specifically for women that are "undesirable" (because that IS the implication when you are making note of the fact that they are fat and desperate to get laid) and then flaunts that men cum quickly when they poke these women because they cannot WAIT to get out of there. WTF!?!? What are you doing seeking them out in the first place, and why?


SO if we take that into consideration when you say that older women are much easier than younger women because they are desperate, then at least we have a point of reference in terms to your experience and what we are dealing with. ;)

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Yes, i do read craigslist. I read about the above scenario all the time. Do I have any desire to meet those women? No.


I don't frequent cougar bars.. I mentioned on one thread I did go to a "cougar" bar for laughs, and the women were telling me they do not have panties on, asking to take me home, and buying me drinks.


Were they ugly? Smokers? poor? None of the above. It was actually in the richest part of town.

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Ok lol.. The old lady is now using the man, and that should be applauded.. On other threads, men are sick bastards for using a woman for sex..


But it is impossible that the younger man is using the woman just for sex?



The point you fail to repeatedly see because your better judgment seems be clouded by the thick fog of misogyny hanging over you head, is that no one is using anyone. Capiche?

It is two concenting adults having sex.



Put that in your pipe and smoke it.;)

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Craigslist is the lowest of the low and nowhere NEAR a peer-reviewed study, and it's a poor population sample in order to extrapolate generalized hypotheses.


I like reading the best-of though.

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Hmmm.... you may be onto something here. When he talks about "older women" he's probably referring to old bar flies with missing teeth, squinting their one good eye against the smoke rolling off the end of their cigarette.





I'm outy bitches. :D

(and for the record I was calling my peeps "bitches" WAAAY before Paris was)

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your better judgment seems be clouded by the thick fog of misogyny


What causes this kind of misogyny, TC?


Is it an abnormally small penis?


Constant rejection from women?


Being short, poor, classless... ?


Where do you ladies think this comes from?

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Ok lol.. The old lady is now using the man, and that should be applauded.. On other threads, men are sick bastards for using a woman for sex..


But it is impossible that the younger man is using the woman just for sex?


If both parties are above the age of consent and know and agree that their relationship is about no strings sex

then who is being "used" ?


I am by nature very private in real life, not given to having instant sexual encounters but I am deeply troubled by the idea that a pleasurable activity like sex is being twisted in such a way as to make both receivers and givers of pleasure into being some sort of horrible, disgusting creatures. I'm also really offended by a lot of the comments being directed at Lizzie.

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OK.. One question...


Yes or no.


Do women tend to get more attached after sex?


I asked my question first :D


""If both parties are above the age of consent and know and agree that their relationship is about no strings sex then who is being "used" ?"

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What causes this kind of misogyny, TC?


Is it an abnormally small penis?


Constant rejection from women?


Being short, poor, classless... ?


Where do you ladies think this comes from?



Getting rejected all the time by women.



I ultimately feel sorry for some of these poor guys, since I do understand it is hard to feel like you just can't win and you know me I tend to go for the underdog but I still don't like to see abuse. Getting all chauvanistic about it is not the way to go, and it only serves to perpetuate that aura that is repelling women off to begin with.



Ok NOW I'm outy bitches! :laugh:

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OK.. One question...


Yes or no.


Do women tend to get more attached after sex?


You tell us, Bones.


Seems like your ONS with the girl who already had a bf (in which you considered it a "date" - lol), seemed to cause so much confusion and heartache for you, that you needed to post here about what you should do next as you couldn't understand why she did what she did.


I guess you got pretty attached to that one, while she was off living her life with her BF.


So, it seems some guys get carried away from ONS that are supposed to casual sex. Even when they do it with women they know are already involved in a relationship with someone else.

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Not answering any of the questions, but what does it matter who gets "more" attached through sex? How does that fit into the concept of the user and the used?

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Cherry Blossom 35

Ladies, ladies, ladies. Let's give poor Von a break. The sad lad was most likely dumped by his gorgeous, whip smart, witty as hell OLDER girlfriend for a

strapping young man who pleased her in ways he simply could not. Wouldn't you be upset? Wouldn't you write how horrible, useless, and easy older women are in 3, 892 different ways? I thought so.

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OK.. One question...


Yes or no.


Do women tend to get more attached after sex?


I think it tends to be people without a lot of sexual experience.People who haven't lived enough yet to know that sex doesn't automatically equal a relationship. It also includes people who hear a partner say that they want a no strings coupling but hope that by having sex they'll get their FWB to change their mind, a stance that also comes from inexperience.

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Ok Alma, Not one woman on Earth that has ever had consensual sex was used just for sex.




I had no attachment to her at all.. I am a man, and do not confuse easy sex for love. Can you say the same? You are the one that is sad because a gay man who you had sex with told you he could never picture himself with you.

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Unfortunately, yes, I am getting this sense of extreme BITTERNESS as well. I mean, who calls themselves "vonerik"? Isn't that PUA guy's ("Mystery") name Erik Von something? Eh, too lazy to look it up.

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Cherry Blossom 35
THANK YOU for putting the cherry (no pun intended ;)) on the whipped cream that is the end of my work day! :lmao:


No problem :laugh:

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Ok Alma, Not one woman on Earth that has ever had consensual sex was used just for sex..


Not what I said; I actually made no statement, but simply asked a question.

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