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My question Is simple!




i mean I am going out with a great guy for two days now and a bunch of my friends say he is dog ugly but i think they are wronge cause he's sweet he works and Love to have fun and Doesn't want to do anything to hurt me!







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Looks do matter...but only to the person they should matter to, and that is YOU.


Physical appearance is an important ingredient in the chemistry of love. But you may find someone physically attractive where others do not. It's all a matter of taste.


It is also possible to be with someone that you, yourself, do not consider so attractive and have them become attractive to you after a period of time. As you get to know a person, their personality, their good traits, etc., they can actually become better looking in your eyes.


On the other hand, the most beautiful person in the world can become the ugliest if you find they are selfish, untruthful, or undesireable in other ways.


Your big problem is having your friends tell you who in your life is ugly. If they are truly your friends, they will keep their mouths shut unless you ask their opinion. And then their only concern will be whether or not YOU are happy with this person.


Now, you have only been seeing this guy for a couple of days. Regardless of what he looks like, you shouldn't rush into anything. As long as he treats you kindly with consideration and respect, I hope you will give him a chance. If he starts being mean, abusive, or inconsiderate, toss him to the sharks!!!


There are people who would consider a concern about looks in the opposite sex to be pretty superficial. But I do think that physical attraction is important...but it's not important for your friends to be physically attracted as well.

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Gee, decent guys are so scarce on the ground these days, I would take Quasimodo if he actually cared about my feelings. Look on the bright side, at least you won't have to worry about other women chasing him.


I make a point of not going out with guys who are good looking anyway - they usually know it and think they are God's gift to women.


If you fall in love with him, he won't be ugly for much longer anyway.

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My question Is simple! DOES LOOKS REALLY MATTER??? i mean I am going out with a great guy for two days now and a bunch of my friends say he is dog ugly but i think they are wronge cause he's sweet he works and Love to have fun and Doesn't want to do anything to hurt me! BUT DO U GUYS AND GALS DOES LOOKS REALLY MATTER?? PLEASE I NEED EVERYONES OPINION!




You said it all when you said "I think they are wrong". All that matters is what you believe yourself. Love and friendship have nothing to do with appearance. You think this man is beautiful, so he his.

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Hi! You said it all when you said "I think they are wrong". All that matters is what you believe yourself. Love and friendship have nothing to do with appearance. You think this man is beautiful, so he his.

I agree with everything the others have said. I think as well, why do we spend time with people? Do we spend time with people 'cos they are nice to look at, or nice to be with? We live and spend time with real people, not their external appearances.


And just be glad- at least your friends won't be trying bed him!

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