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sugar busters diet anyone?

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has anyone tried the sugar busters diet? if so how did you like it? i am trying to compare the low carb to the sugar busters diet..


i think ilike the sugar busters better then the low carb cause it gives you more food to eat.


i can drink my milk and have some whole grain breads too! even some cocoa.wooohoooooo!


today is day three of low carbing and all though i have had about 60-75 carbs a day it still is such a decrease for me and none of them carbs were from breads or grains or refined sugars..just natural carbs in foods like cheese and cottage cheese, bars, and drinks.


so if anyone has anything to contribute to this i would greatly appreciate it...i wonder if low carbs can make you feel/look so bloated???

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Your brain needs around 60 grams of carbs a day to work properly. Personally, I would avoid any low- or no-carb diet like the plague.

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