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Pick up your phone!!!!

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ok i am sooooo beyond pissed off right now. I need to vent.


I have been dating my borfriend for a 1 yr now. I have known him for 4 yrs and those 4 yrs he has liked me beyond a normal like a for a friend. so everyone that knows him knows he is very well in love with me and a bit physco for me as well. BUTTTT when he is hanging around certain friends of his, all of a sudden he is not calling me as much and does no pick up my phones calls. HE KNOWS THIS MAKES ME VERY ANGRY!.. now his phone is turned off! if i had done this to him he would go crazy and hunt me down. i think it's not fair that he thinks he can get away with doing this all the time. what reason does he have for his phone being off at 1 in the morning????

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what reason does he have for his phone being off at 1 in the morning????


Girl, give him some room. maybe he doesn't have reception, maybe he's at a strip club with his guy friends (no, this does not count as cheating), maybe his phone died.


It sounds to me like you've got way too much time in your hands and have an overactive imagination.


If he's so in love as you claim he is, then trust the man!! Why would you assume he's got something to hide? maybe you have something to hide and are projecting your insecurities on him?

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what reason does he have for his phone being off at 1 in the morning????


He turned it off because you keep calling him while he's out with his friends. What do you want to talk to him about so badly that you keep calling him?


Everyone needs time apart - it makes the relationship more interesting and more fun when you are together. He can't be glued to your side or glued to the phone at your beck and call all the time.

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He turned it off because you keep calling him while he's out with his friends. What do you want to talk to him about so badly that you keep calling him?


Everyone needs time apart - it makes the relationship more interesting and more fun when you are together. He can't be glued to your side or glued to the phone at your beck and call all the time.


That's what I was thinking NJ..

Good post and I agree

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when he wants to talk HE'll call YOU...


are you always this demanding and controlling?


back off - he's either sleeping or having fun with friends... sheeez!

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well, I think you sound a little insecure.. afraid of what he might you without you around??...well, he smells it probably...and he wants a little bit of space... Not to do nothing wrong, not to cheat on you...just have time for himself--

Maybe if you just don't call him, a lot or see where he is at, act like you are more sure he won't do nothing bad without your presence.. then he'd be worried.

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You definitely shouldn't sweat him so much with the phone calls. If he shuts off his phone, he doesn't want to talk. He's entitled, just like you are, to choose when to take calls. Don't get indignant about it; you don't need to control him in order to have things under control. Stop tripping.

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