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A message to our guests...


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Hello all and welcome to the LoveShack.org LoveTalk forum!


Those of you who have been following us these past few months know that we've been working behind the scenes (sometimes sacrificing our abilities to participate in the discussion here) to release the third version of our site to our guests. I'd like to take this time to thank you all for your patience, understanding, and overall support that I've received from all of you.


Since its creation, the original Hosts and I have worked tediously, dedicating ourselves and the time of our loved-ones, to create the kind of community you see before you today. LoveShack.org has truly been a project of passion -- one that I only hoped would reach out to as many people as we have over these past three years. Despite the increasing commercialization of relationships that we encounter all too frequently on today's Internet, we've been able to maintain a friendly, open community that has grown each day with your insightful contributions.


A few months ago, Totally Confused agreed to become an active Host on our site and we would like to take this time to welcome her into our family. She has been an active contributor to the forum and her background and experience surely will make our site a better resource for all of us. We are still looking for interested persons who are active contributors on the forum to join our ranks as LoveShack.org Hosts. I welcome any of you to contact me if you are interested in being a part of our family and certainly hope to hear from a number of you.


We understand that it is difficult to distinguish between those posts that are made by our Hosts and those that are made by other guests. Our new forum system will address this issue. We believe that the changes we are currently implementing in our new site will make it easier to use, more resourceful, and create the kind of environment that would be most beneficial to you, our guests. As always we welcome your input. It's not too late to make your voice heard! We always love to hear from you!


Sadly, time constraints have prevented us from releasing our new site to you as soon as we would have liked to. We still have an enormous amount of work to do to achieve the results we're looking for. That actually seems like an understatement! From an aesthetic redesign, to the functionality of the new forum, the coding and graphic design involved comprises quite a monumental task. We had initially wanted to premiere our new site by Valentine's Day, but that deadline has come and gone. Unfortunately, our lives have taken most of our available time away from us and it is becoming increasingly difficult with our jobs, scholastic activities, and family life for the Hosts to meet and plan version three.


I therefore thank you all again for your patience and implore you to take an active role in transforming our site. I honestly believe that we are only seeing the beginnings of a revolutionary global community comprised of real people and real solutions. We continue to encourage you to achieve growth in your relationships with other people and to seek out a new, more complete understanding of the world around you. Thank you again for being a part of our lives and for letting us into yours.


Best wishes,



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