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guilt from dating alot


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As I have posted here before, I date a lot. I settle down with a few but other than that, I just tend to move on to another guy. It is fun and I am 21. Do other people do this? Is this abnormal? I have dated 4 people this year so far, my mom was making me feel guilty about that.....I do not know if im doing something abnormal? I think not!

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I don't think you're abnormal at all! :) It's a good way to find out what you like in men and what you don't; so that by the time you're ready to settle down, that is, if you want to marry someday, you will know what kind of man you are most compatable with. Now, I wouldn't have intimate relationships with them all, but as long as it's casual dating I see no reason for you to feel as though it's abnormal. So enjoy yourself, you're so young; it's good to see someone not so serious and wrapped up in another mate at your age. Have fun! :D

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4 people in seven months? Honey, I can go through 4 in a month... :bunny:


You are not abnormal. I think it's great and necessary to date a lot...helps you figure out what you want (and more importantly what you don't)!

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I hate to say this, since it disagrees with many people here-but it's one thing to date, it's another thing to be unfair to a guy. If a guy is thinking casual also, that's fine-but i hope you aren't ripping out guys hearts once a month so you can have your fun.

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you're 21....i think it's awesome that you have such a full dating lifestyle. my friends always tease me because i'm like that too, they say "quit rebounding off your rebounds!" except it's not rebounding because i was never staying with anyone long enough to get serious with them (i'm in a serious relationship now though)


just keep on keeping on and when you find the right one it'll just stick naturally!!



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Hey, I am in the same boat. I am also 21 and date a lot-and I do not feel the least bit quilty. You have every right to date whomever you want, as long as you are happy with it. Don't let other people make you feel bad for it. I was in a relationship for almost four years, then we broke up about 2 years ago. Since then I have not been in a serious relationship. Like you, I date a lot, off and on, sometimes I settle for a month or two then move on.


I think people can put a lot of pressure on the idea of settling down. I believe I will settle down when I find the right person. Until then I will be as honest and tactful as I can and I don't lead guys on, and if the role is reversed and I feel like I am being led on, then it's sayonara to them.


So continue having fun. :)

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did anybody say it?


you gotta kiss a lot of frogs.


you are perfectly normal; just don't mention all your past to the one you finally settle down with. Some people get a little jealous, it seems.... :(

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I have dated about 5 people this whole year. Which is propbably not that much.


It sux when you are single though because you don't know if guys actually want to be with you or if they are just


using you for sex or for even just getting their ex girlfriends jelous.


I am not dating anyone at the moment right now. I don't want the next guy I go out with to be real loser like the


rest of them have all been.


Not to mention the fact I haven't gone out for a while.


It feels like I am the only one in the world that is single right now. Everyone around me is either engaged or has


a boyfriend including all my friends. They keep telling me "you'll meet somebody". God knows when that will be!

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