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Torn between two guys

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I am a 29 year old single mother who decided almost 2 years ago to put love on the back burning to tend to my child and mend my broken heart. Then about 5 months ago I met a wonderful person. We have a relationship based on mutual respect, admiration, and comfort. Our relationship consists of great conversation, simple cuddling on the couch and (yes) some sexual contact. But we yet to have sex. Sometimes even my mature mind feels he's my logic. Problem is my relationship with him makes me want a relationship with a man. Unfortunately it can't be him as he is 22 and I 29.


So, I went on a blind date and talking to another nice guy (so far). Like the new guy enough to get to know him but desperately don't want to lose what I have with the first one. Cannot keep guy2 from guy1 and vice versa. But even still, I do not want to lose an ounce of what I have with guy1. He is such a great friend and comfort too me. In addition, he has told me the same repeatedly. I fear if I tell him I will lose him and I can't bear what. What should I do???

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A good friendship and relationships are based on honesty and respect for each other. If you cannot be open and honest with these men then you are being very unkind, dishonest and manipulative toward those who care for you. Show respect for both of them and be honest about both friendships to both of them. In the end they will find out anyway and then think you are down deep a dishonest person which is a very unattractive trait and you stand to lose the friendships forever. I hope you think about it carefully. Would you like someone who keeps another relationship from you when you think you are in an exclusive relationship with that person?

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You think that just because of an age difference you cannot be in a relationship with someone? What if the tables were turned? I bet you would not even think twice about it. If you are truly happy with this person and enjoy being around him then don't ruin a perfectly good relationship over such a silly thing. It is hard to find someone that has all of those qualities. As for the rebound dating they usually never work. Take care.

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