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when is he going to call


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I went out with this guy a couple of times and it was fantastic...we really connected and had a great time. Then I left for Europe for a few weeks and he began e-mailing me very sweet notes...I miss you, I think about you so much , I can't wait to see you again...etc. (The last e-mail was last Thursday) We corresponded via e-mail and then I returned August 1 and he had gone on vacation! We continued to correspond and he said he was returning Sunday night (8/10). ..it is Wednesday and I haven't heard from him. What's up? How long is it going to take for him to call? Why hasn't he called? Is he going to call?

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It is hard to say. We always assume the worst of things too quickly. Maybe something happened and he was not able to return on the 10th. I would just call/e-mail him to see how his vacation went and take it from there. I hope things work out for the best!!

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