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Don't know whats up

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Alright, so I've been talking to this girl for alittle while. I'm just not sure that its going anywhere. We hung out a few times, but one time didn't go so well. I went to meet up with her and some friends, but her ex and this person i have never really liked since i've met her, so i kinda just froze and really didn't do much. After this she acted weird and didn't call or text me like she used to. I had to call or text to get anything out of her. Well anyway she has started to seem that she is acting normal again. I ask if she wants to do something, but she cancels right before and says maybe later. I had to cancel on a few occasions. I just don't know that she is that busy that she has to cancel everytime or she is just trying to give me a hint to move on. So I guess I should just ask her out and stop acting as a friend. Think I have a chance or whatever?

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paddington bear

sounds like she picked up some signal from you when you froze. Also sounds like maybe she's met someone else, hence her suddenly not replying to your calls and not calling you, something has happened anyway for her to change her behaviour so abruptly.


Either give up on her, or just tell her you like her and see how she reacts.

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sounds like she picked up some signal from you when you froze. Also sounds like maybe she's met someone else, hence her suddenly not replying to your calls and not calling you, something has happened anyway for her to change her behaviour so abruptly.


Either give up on her, or just tell her you like her and see how she reacts.


I totally agree.

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Yeah I haven't really had time to talk to her much. Have college and work full time, but she keeps sending me msgs saying that its been awhile and we need to do something. So guess I'll have to make some time and see what happends.

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