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A Big Mess!

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Ok well the story goes, new girl joins work about 3-4months ago, got put on my department and we got on pretty good straight from the off i didnt fancy her but we got on well. Few weeks after spending time with her, i a few people from work who im good mates with thought that she liked me, me being not soo good with girls didnt really see it and thought they was messing about, me and her was talking about what films we liked and she said we should go cinema some time, so we exchanged numbers, we went as mates, we went again a few weeks later cept this time i took her out for dinner aswell, we got close but nothing more than mates, then a big party was coming up and i asked her if she wanted to come, at this party she spent it pretty much by my side, this was prob because she didnt really know any one except me there, she asked me to take a walk with her and we ended up holding hands, hugging, etc then at work she acted like it never happened. We spent the day shopping together for like 8 hours and had a great time but still i felt as this was nothing more than just good mates.


So by this point i had sort of decided or got used to the fact that we are just mates and thats all we were going to be... Until a co-workers leaving party came up, we both been drinking and well she kissed me quite a few times we was really close all night, her sitting on my lap, arms round me. So that night i was really confused but i really thought that well she must like me. Anyway next day i get a text from her saying that she had a really good time last night etc, so i decided to ask her if she saw me as just a mate, she text back saying that im a luvly guy but we only mates and that she didnt think i like her anyway, so i text back telling her how i felt, then work was a bit akward on sat but on sunday she was really flirty and it was just me and her working that shift, then yesterday get a text from her asking how i was etc and if i was free tomorrow if i fancied going cinema, so yeah we going cinema, but does this meen anything or is this just her trying to keep are friendship going and nothing more?


Please Help :)

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Man, you're passive. :D


Where's AussieJack when you need him?


She sat in your lap, she kissed you, she held your hand......what are you doing here?


The above are all signs of a women who is attracted to you. Don't screw that up, assuming you like her.


Surprise her with the passion of your actions, not words. When you greet her to go to cinema, kiss her, firmly, on the lips. Lead her, touch her waist and small of her back. Look in her eyes. When you kiss her goodnight, pull her body into yours gently but firmly, so she can feel and smell you.


You need to initiate. Do it. :)

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Man, you're passive. :D


Where's AussieJack when you need him?


She sat in your lap, she kissed you, she held your hand......what are you doing here?


The above are all signs of a women who is attracted to you. Don't screw that up, assuming you like her.


Surprise her with the passion of your actions, not words. When you greet her to go to cinema, kiss her, firmly, on the lips. Lead her, touch her waist and small of her back. Look in her eyes.


You need to initiate. Do it. :)


but surely the whole i just want to be friends talk she gave me, says that she doesnt want this or should i just go for it ?

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OK, please don't take offense but you need to shut off your vocal chords, close your ears and open you lips. I can't tell you how many opportunities I screwed up when younger by talking and analyzing them to death. Girls talk, girlfriends with penises (that was me) talk. Men act.


Get busy! :)


Yes, you'll take a risk, but think about the reward...

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Ok well the story goes, new girl joins work about 3-4months ago, got put on my department and we got on pretty good straight from the off i didnt fancy her but we got on well. Few weeks after spending time with her, i a few people from work who im good mates with thought that she liked me, me being not soo good with girls didnt really see it and thought they was messing about, me and her was talking about what films we liked and she said we should go cinema some time, so we exchanged numbers, we went as mates, we went again a few weeks later cept this time i took her out for dinner aswell, we got close but nothing more than mates, then a big party was coming up and i asked her if she wanted to come, at this party she spent it pretty much by my side, this was prob because she didnt really know any one except me there, she asked me to take a walk with her and we ended up holding hands, hugging, etc then at work she acted like it never happened. We spent the day shopping together for like 8 hours and had a great time but still i felt as this was nothing more than just good mates.


So by this point i had sort of decided or got used to the fact that we are just mates and thats all we were going to be... Until a co-workers leaving party came up, we both been drinking and well she kissed me quite a few times we was really close all night, her sitting on my lap, arms round me. So that night i was really confused but i really thought that well she must like me. Anyway next day i get a text from her saying that she had a really good time last night etc, so i decided to ask her if she saw me as just a mate, she text back saying that im a luvly guy but we only mates and that she didnt think i like her anyway, so i text back telling her how i felt, then work was a bit akward on sat but on sunday she was really flirty and it was just me and her working that shift, then yesterday get a text from her asking how i was etc and if i was free tomorrow if i fancied going cinema, so yeah we going cinema, but does this meen anything or is this just her trying to keep are friendship going and nothing more?


Please Help :)


I would try not to read into it too much..Simply see how things go at the cinema.



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OK, please don't take offense but you need to shut off your vocal chords, close your ears and open you lips. I can't tell you how many opportunities I screwed up when younger by talking and analyzing them to death. Girls talk, girlfriends with penises (that was me) talk. Men act.


Get busy! :)


Yes, you'll take a risk, but think about the reward...


lol no offence taken :)

i think im going to go with your advice, because i tend to do what you said "talking and analyzing them to death" and its getting me no where. Im going to go with what you have said im going to try be confident, forget the past and focus on the future, il let you know how it work's out thank for the help!

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