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what am I doing here??

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Her: Broken up from a LTR (2yrs) 6 months ago

Me: 4 years older (she's 21 im 25).

We're both in the same dental school class in cali and I've known her for about a year or so. She was with the ex-bf at the time but we still sort of talked and whatnot. We hung out a little bit over that time and right after her breakup but it was more with a group of friends over lunch but never together. I became attracted to her this past may right before we broke for a summer recess and we actually partied and got drunk together. Nothing out of the ordinary but she spilt a lot of her beans to me that night on why she broke up with the guy and whatnot. She was feeling to held down by him, having to come home and cater to his needs (they lived together for 6 months) even though he had a job and she was in school i.e. she was the one who broke it off.

We communicated over break, texting each other every few days or so and whatnot. Since the attraction was still new, not seeing her gave me time to think about her a lot, however we were still just friends.


Fast forward a few months and we're back in school. Since we hung out with the same group of people, it wasn't hard getting her to be my lab partner for a few classes and we kind of hit it off as friends from then forward. We studied together, had dinner together each time and went into serious deep conversation; me knowing more about her life story and vice versa than any of out current school friends (we're a very close knit bunch). She seemed flirty every once in a while, giving off the classic body language etc etc. but at the same time, our friendship was growing stronger and stronger. She made me laugh and she always laughed at my corny jokes. She would even call me when she got home late from our study group to let me know she was ok.

A few weeks later after a rough exam period, we went out, had a few drinks with a group of friends and drunk me basically ended up prematurely spilling the beans on my attraction to her. At that point her answer was I just got out of a serious relationship and am not ready to initiate anything new at the moment. It ended that night but she still called to tell me that she got home ok. I spoke with her the next day about the drunkeness and told her we're still friends to which she agreed. It was wierd for a total of 2 days after which we slowly started being back to where it was before the spilling of the beans. We pretty much spent the last 18 days with each other after class (dental school exams are persistant) and we have dinner, deep convo, flirt all the time and never once got bored of the company. There are nights when my leg is practically resting on hers and its all good and jolly....

A few weekends ago, after the crazy period, we were invited out and she decided that she would stay over at my place. We got pretty drunk and I had my hand around her waist for a good part of the night. She squeezed up against me on the cab ride home and passed out on my couch. I was invited to her parents place the next day and it was all good and dapper and we were out celebrating a friends birthday that night. After a few drinks, we danced the night away together, very close, grinding and bumping. She came back to my place but this time a guy friend and her bff gf were gonna crash as well. The 2 girls were sharing a bed in the common room of my condo and we danced around a little bit more. Eventually got tired and somehow in my drunkeness cozied up next to her on the bed (her bff was on the other side). I woke up the next to her in the morn with a WTF since I am taking things with her SUPER slow i.e. waiting for things to develop vs. pushing them. We went out for bfast with her saying again and again that it was the best time ever and whatnot. And that was that. I haven't seen her since we're on break and she lives 2 hours away but we talk almost every day.

The wierd twist to this is during this whole weekend bender, she was in the process of invitin me to go scuba diving in australia with her family over new years. I asked her AFTER the crazy weekend if I would be interfering with her family New yrs plans but she insisted that I go and it would be nice to have my company....so that's where we stand...


WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??? I am completely and uttely baffled by her signals. She deeply believes in love before intimacy which I respect (and trust that she's telling the truth...which she told me when she was describing her last relationship not 'ours'). Is she taking things slow with me? Her body language seems to be that she's coming on (albeit very lightly) to me but I'm having such a hard read on this girl.

Additionally, I consider her a great friend but wouldn't mind taking it up to the next level....


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reading this i got a massive feeling of deja vu, im pretty much in the same situation, and even the bit where you said about getting drunk telling her how you felt, then 2 days later everything oki and you end up getting closer to her than you ever had before. But like you i am also suck on what to do next, i really hope some one can help you out!


So please guys + girls give this person some much needed advice!!!

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