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I do have feeling for him but I don't think it would be right to tell him

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I have this friend we known each other for some years now. Yesterday he made a comment that really throw me. He said to me. "I get the feeling that you want to be more then friends." I didn't give him a straight answer. The problem is he was my friends boyfriend and they broke up (it was bad) I got stuck in the middle.


He is a very flirt guy so it is hard to tell if anything that he says or does really means much. I do have feeling for him but I don't think it would be right to tell him or do anything about it. I don't want to hurt my friend but I don't want to think what if at the same time.


I'm so confused can anyone help me?????? :(

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I don't think there's a need for you to upset with his only gut feeling that he feels you had a feeling for him.Considering you like him and you did feel what he thinks.I'm telling you girl stay away from this kind of guy.He is unfaithful considering the fact that he has a girlfriend.Let him kiss his assss.............

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