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I'm confused, I've been reading alot about body language and shy guys showing interest in women, but I'm still not sure what to think.


A guy and I met years ago, we became friends and then it moved into a 'friends with benefits' thing. He was always looking for a specific type of woman. We had this type of friendship for about 2 years. It worked for both of us.


Then we went our separate ways, but still maintained some brief email contact. Over the past couple of years he hasn't dated or found anyone. as he is shy.


When we were together he never had trouble maintaining eye contact or was'nt nervous around me.


Lately we have become more friends and he is very nervous around me and doesnt maintain eye contact. Do you think he has interest in me? He isnt one to come out and ask questions of interest or to ask a girl out on a date.


He always answers my email the same day and returns my phone calls. Sometimes though he will pull back.....so I'm not sure whats going on.

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paddington bear

Recently had a similar wondering...all the other signals were there, but the eye contact was not and according to anything I've read about body language eye contact seems to be the key thing. My friend told me he only ever wanted to be a friend and nothing more and since he said that, now there's eye contact, which is strange. Like he was afraid to get lost in there and not be able to climb back out or something. Likewise I didn't really flirt with him but now it's clear that we're just friends I do flirt, because it's safe somehow and I can't get rejected.


So, maybe he's shy as you say, or doesn't want you to see what he thinks of you by staring deeply into your eyes, or the option you don't want, he's not interested at all and is avoiding eye contact because of that.

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