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Men don't need women anymore

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I just tried to emphasize that human relationships, even though not biologically necessary, hold very important part in our lives. We don’t need love or friends or relationships, but it is wonderful to have them, they make life worth living.


IMHO, relationship between two people is not something that should only be pursued for procreation.


I admit I read only your original post and this did sound like using women to me


I appologize if I misunderstood it.


I also totally disagree with this:


There are not nearly as many women who look for sex only as there are men. Be prepared for fierce competition and make sure not to mess up with girls who want something more.


Okay, I will agree on your statistics here on the last paragraph, but many more women these days are in the market for a good time more than a relationship. Trust me, I've been single for a few years now and there are plenty.

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No I didn't say that. Although now that I read it I can see how my post came across that way. I did say I also want to start my own family one day and a have loving relationship.


The point I was trying to emphasize is that I'm not as dependent on a woman in a relationship as the older generation of men. I don't think men (or women for that matter) of the younger generation are (or will be) as co-dependent or as set in their defined roles as they used to be. And I think that's a good thing. IMO the roles should be defined on an as needed basis and what works for the couple, not based on some archaic beliefs which might have been previously practical or religiously based but are outdated now.


I 100% agree with the main point of your post and I can only respect men more for that.


I was under impression that you need a woman for her body (for sex AND to make babies), that you don't care about her as a person; you don't care if she has a brain or not, if she works or not, ... as long se she maintains her weight.


Sorry if this is not what you meant to say; but if it is, I think your expectations are somewhat misplaced.

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Okay, I will agree on your statistics here on the last paragraph, but many more women these days are in the market for a good time more than a relationship. Trust me, I've been single for a few years now and there are plenty.

As long as you are happy and no one gets hurt.


I, personally, still believe that with attitude like this, you still miss more than you can gain.

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Sorry if this is not what you meant to say; but if it is, I think your expectations are somewhat misplaced.


You are right, my expectations may be too high. If I had this relationship thing figured out I wouldn't be here posting. :laugh:

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Yea, I have to admit the damsel in distress doesn't do much for me. I like a decent amount of independence, just not so independent that she doesn't have a need for me. Some co-dependence is ok in my book.


I prefer to call it "interdependence.":D:D But potato, pototto. I hear what you're saying. I've only recently discovered in the last couple of years how very important it is for a woman to express appreciation for specific things her man does... or any man she encounters in her day for that matter. They all respond very positively to it. It's like music to their ears, all of them - the younger and older alike. Huge impact. Remarkable.

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This is one of the most retarded threads i've read on this site, with some of the most retarded posts in reply!


A Dog is no substitution for a woman or a man, its a ****ing animal.

People need people, and they need love.. if we didnt then that feeling wouldnt exist, LOVE has been around since the beginning of human existance, and its alot more powerful than a one night stand.


When you have sex with someone without love its no more than Luxurious masterbation.. you have sex then its aquard afterwards then you are alone.. not to mention the fact that that idea of just FU*KING anything that walks will get you a disease, not to mention a bunch of single mothers running around and children without daddys.


This is probably one of the worst ideas I've heard of.


You're going to be one lonely person with thoughts like that.. good luck to you

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This is one of the most retarded threads i've read on this site, with some of the most retarded posts in reply!


LOL :laugh:


People need people, and they need love.. if we didnt then that feeling wouldnt exist, LOVE has been around since the beginning of human existance, and its alot more powerful than a one night stand.


That's why you have family and close friends. The point was men don't need to rely on women to live happy lives, for the most part men are usually very successful on their own, and the topic was addressing men on LS who think that they had to have a S/O to be happy.


not to mention the fact that that idea of just FU*KING anything that walks will get you a disease,


Personally I don't think STD's are as rampant as the media and government portray them to be, but that's just MO, I see your point here.


not to mention a bunch of single mothers running around and children without daddys.


Well that already the case nearly everywhere in the US.


This is probably one of the worst ideas I've heard of.


You're going to be one lonely person with thoughts like that.. good luck to you


I doubt that, I have plenty of friends and family, and plenty of women who are happy dating without being tied down.



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Rooster, if that's where you're at, go for it. When trapped in that mind frame, it's better that you don't try to enter into a relationship because you'll rip someone else's heart out by self-sabotaging anything remotely caring.


Men and women don't need each other. Some want the incredible experience of being in love, the give and take required to get there. Sure, there will be bad experiences but it's ultimately your choice to allow those bad experiences to temper or embitter you. I prefer the former, to the life sucking black hole of the latter.



I absolutely agree. After being married for 23 years, raising a family and being involved in over-the-top sexual relationships these last few years, I'm done. I live alone, have my kids and enjoy the companionship of my ex-wife, friends and colleagues. I no longer need an erotic relationship to define, justify or stimulate me.


I don't want, need or particularly care for the drama. And I don't want to deceive women in any capacity--especially when it comes to a serious relationship.


I'm semi-retired from matters of the Heart.


And, I'm quite happy.

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I don't want, need or particularly care for the drama. And I don't want to deceive women in any capacity--especially when it comes to a serious relationship.


Interesting how one's perspective changes with age. I opined on this recently and shared, for me, it's just too much work and I'd rather spend that energy on doing things for the world and bettering myself. Lots of adventures still to enjoy :)

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Interesting how one's perspective changes with age. I opined on this recently and shared, for me, it's just too much work and I'd rather spend that energy on doing things for the world and bettering myself. Lots of adventures still to enjoy :)


Yes, I do believe, at least in part, this erotic detox, is a function of aging. I'm a very fit, healthy 57-year old with a good sex drive, but my tolerance for all the drama has declined dramatically.


I'm not celibate, but my penis is no longer making my major life decisions.

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Rooster Dar I understand how you feel. When I was single I loved my life and my friends and family came first also. I too love animals and to me they are like part of the family. Don't be surprised if you end up finding the love of your life because you aren't looking. That's what happened to me. Good Luck.

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High Plains Drifter
I like strong and independent people. I think that they display many admirable traits.


A person should get married only and if only he/she finds a suitable partner.


Never out of fear of loneliness, desperation or need. JMO.



Heh......while I agree, this is mighty easier said than done.


Chicken or the egg question: What comes first: Suitability or Marriageability?

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LOL :laugh:




That's why you have family and close friends. The point was men don't need to rely on women to live happy lives, for the most part men are usually very successful on their own, and the topic was addressing men on LS who think that they had to have a S/O to be happy.




Personally I don't think STD's are as rampant as the media and government portray them to be, but that's just MO, I see your point here.




Well that already the case nearly everywhere in the US.




I doubt that, I have plenty of friends and family, and plenty of women who are happy dating without being tied down.





Family and Close friends? You cannot experience falling in Love.. and im not talking about family/friend love which is more endearment than anything... but REAL "IN LOVE" Love, you cannot get from your friends and family.

Like I said there is a reason why we as humans are capable of having those feelings towards the oppsosite sex.


You dont think STDs are that rampant? have you checked the statistics? do you know that 32 percent of College woman(and men but its easier to find with a papsmear) have HPV? Human Papillioma Virus, which causes miscarraiges, gentital warts and its highly contagious and there are 70... 70!!! DIFFERENT strands of the disease? which is Cancerous by the way!

OHHH yah, having random sex partners is a GREAT idea!

Oh and then theres herpes, which sometimes it doesnt even matter if you are wearing a condom or not, its still contractable.. but if you are not in a relationship and you're just having sex for the sake of it because its fun, then whats the use of telling people you have it, just spread it around! YEAH thats how peopel think, and when you contract something you'll think differently too.

Or 4 Million people in the US are diagnosed with Chlamydia, and another 3.4 Don't even know they have it... yeah diseases that get spread from man to woman to man to woman, and ALSO cause infertility and uterine scaring! which causes massive uterine and abdomanal pains.


just because people (the single parents in the US, the woman who **** for fun and the men who do the same and leave them) are losing their morals and self worth doesnt mean that its an excuse to carry on with it i dont know how you can think that that is okay, just look at our society now! kids cannot walk down the street without 30 year old perverts gawking at the tits.. because young girls are already developing and sex crazed perves are eating it up, and dont get me started on child sex advertizing.

You think this way because after time humans/society are de-evolving.. the smarter get rich and are married with children (usually jsut a couple) and the boneheads keep F*CKING eachother and spitting out more retard babies who do the same, you ever see the movie IDIOCRACY? yeah watch it, cause thats what we're going to end up being in no time.


You sound like you're young, because you say you have plenty of friends and family and girls that are willing to put out, but guess what thats only gratifying for so long befor it gets boring, and like i said Sex without love is nothing more than Glamorous Masterbation.

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I absolutely agree. After being married for 23 years, raising a family and being involved in over-the-top sexual relationships these last few years, I'm done. I live alone, have my kids and enjoy the companionship of my ex-wife, friends and colleagues. I no longer need an erotic relationship to define, justify or stimulate me.


I don't want, need or particularly care for the drama. And I don't want to deceive women in any capacity--especially when it comes to a serious relationship.


I'm semi-retired from matters of the Heart.


And, I'm quite happy.

Glad to hear it works for you. Everyone needs some downtime to recover or for that matter, enjoy the freedom of single life, instead of bemoaning how horrible life is, as a victim. :)

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This is one of the most retarded threads i've read on this site, with some of the most retarded posts in reply!


A Dog is no substitution for a woman or a man, its a ****ing animal.

People need people, and they need love.. if we didnt then that feeling wouldnt exist, LOVE has been around since the beginning of human existance, and its alot more powerful than a one night stand.


When you have sex with someone without love its no more than Luxurious masterbation.. you have sex then its aquard afterwards then you are alone.. not to mention the fact that that idea of just FU*KING anything that walks will get you a disease, not to mention a bunch of single mothers running around and children without daddys.


This is probably one of the worst ideas I've heard of.


You're going to be one lonely person with thoughts like that.. good luck to you



Sorry but my lawyer advises that I can't afford to fork over any more $$$ in the name of love. "Luxurious masterbation" is the only thing that interests me, I don't want any more obligations or responsibilities.


Btw, a dog might be an animal but so is my ex, at least a dog is truly loving and a lot more loyal.

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Sorry but my lawyer advises that I can't afford to fork over any more $$$ in the name of love. "Luxurious masterbation" is the only thing that interests me, I don't want any more obligations or responsibilities.


Btw, a dog might be an animal but so is my ex, at least a dog is truly loving and a lot more loyal.



Ever hear of a Pre-Nup? if the woman loves you she'd sign one.. that way you both leave with what you came with.


Everyone in here keeps talking about how they would rather just have flings then relationships because of divorce or whatever, that sounds to me like some serious bitterness... maybe your jaded views are what make you feel this way and in that case you should try to fix yourself instead of blaming your ex's...

I'm divorced as well, and my ex was a grade A loser, and my new bf is well.. if you've read my threads you would know.. anyways, I refuse to allow a few sh*tty people make me jaded against all men and relationships and love in general.

ick.. can't you taste the bitterness? lol

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anyways, I refuse to allow a few sh*tty people make me jaded against all men and relationships and love in general.


That's good, because there are quite a few regular bitter posters.

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I think it's all about finding intimacy, both physical and emotional. For everything else there are friends and most of us pretty much can get on with life on our own.

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Rooster Dar I understand how you feel. When I was single I loved my life and my friends and family came first also. I too love animals and to me they are like part of the family. Don't be surprised if you end up finding the love of your life because you aren't looking. That's what happened to me. Good Luck.


Maybe your right, but it's really going to take the right person and a bit more time.

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Family and Close friends? You cannot experience falling in Love.. and im not talking about family/friend love which is more endearment than anything... but REAL "IN LOVE" Love, you cannot get from your friends and family.


I can't think of love any more real than your family or friends, the love your speaking of (in love) is a temporary configuration drawn by chemical responses that induce procreation.


Like I said there is a reason why we as humans are capable of having those feelings towards the oppsosite sex.


Yes, to carry on the species, it's an evolutionary process.


You dont think STDs are that rampant? have you checked the statistics? do you know that 32 percent of College woman(and men but its easier to find with a papsmear) have HPV? Human Papillioma Virus, which causes miscarraiges, gentital warts and its highly contagious and there are 70... 70!!! DIFFERENT strands of the disease? which is Cancerous by the way!

OHHH yah, having random sex partners is a GREAT idea!


I won't say your wrong here, I do agree that HPV is very common.


just because people (the single parents in the US, the woman who **** for fun and the men who do the same and leave them) are losing their morals and self worth doesnt mean that its an excuse to carry on with it i dont know how you can think that that is okay, just look at our society now! kids cannot walk down the street without 30 year old perverts gawking at the tits.. because young girls are already developing and sex crazed perves are eating it up, and dont get me started on child sex advertizing.

You think this way because after time humans/society are de-evolving.. the smarter get rich and are married with children (usually jsut a couple) and the boneheads keep F*CKING eachother and spitting out more retard babies who do the same, you ever see the movie IDIOCRACY? yeah watch it, cause thats what we're going to end up being in no time.


So single people who engage in sexual intercourse and not moral? How absurd.


I do agree with the boneheads who keep spitting out babies that can't afford to raise them, but they are usually a poorer less educated group of society.


You sound like you're young, because you say you have plenty of friends and family and girls that are willing to put out, but guess what thats only gratifying for so long befor it gets boring, and like i said Sex without love is nothing more than Glamorous Masterbation.


Let me guess, you are a religious person :o. Sex is great weather you love someone or not. I don't disagree however that sex is better with someone you love, I know this from experience.

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Jersey Shortie

Men don't need women anymore and women don't need men. Men can sustain themselves with porn and porn is better then real women anyway. And that's what men really want anyway.

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Ever hear of a Pre-Nup? if the woman loves you she'd sign one.. that way you both leave with what you came with.


Everyone in here keeps talking about how they would rather just have flings then relationships because of divorce or whatever, that sounds to me like some serious bitterness... maybe your jaded views are what make you feel this way and in that case you should try to fix yourself instead of blaming your ex's...

I'm divorced as well, and my ex was a grade A loser, and my new bf is well.. if you've read my threads you would know.. anyways, I refuse to allow a few sh*tty people make me jaded against all men and relationships and love in general.

ick.. can't you taste the bitterness? lol


If you want to get married, if you believe in hearts and flowers, that is your right and you are free to exercise it.


I don't want the obligation and responsibility that come with marriage again I want to enjoy my life being responsible only for myself and that doesn't make me a bad person no matter how many names you feel like hurling my way.

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Men don't need women anymore and women don't need men. Men can sustain themselves with porn and porn is better then real women anyway. And that's what men really want anyway.

Amen, sister :D


The question is, what do women sustain themselves with? Pure thoughts? ;)

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Jersey Shortie

Amen, sister :D


The question is, what do women sustain themselves with? Pure thoughts? ;)


They idealistically hold on to the faith that maybe..just maybe men actually care..but then they find out that they don't after all.

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Amen, sister :D


The question is, what do women sustain themselves with? Pure thoughts? ;)


We get to sit around getting all hot and bothered by memories of you guys allowing us to wash your underwear and scrub your toilets.

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