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Does he like me as more than a friend?

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From the first time we hung out, we were inseperable. He was living with his ex in thier apartment until the lease expired in August. I did not believe this at first, who would, but when she found out about me and started blowin up my phone, she confirmed they had been split up since October. We always had a great time. We talked about anything and everything and we were always laughing and smiling. The ex started to get jealous when she saw that out phone conversations lasted more than an hour and she couldnt get him to talk to her for more than 5 minutes. So, she started acting crazy. He told me that we couldnt see each other for a while, until things calmed down. It was the end of June when he said this so he told me that we could just talk until he was out of the apartment. We talked maybe 3 times until July 30.

On August 1, he called me first thing in the morning and asked if we could hang out. Before we knew it, we were back to our old selves with our old relationship. It was great. Until things started to change. We started fighting every day. Not just arguments but fighting tooth and nail. We would make up the next day and all would be well. It continued for about 2 weeks until we had such a bad fight that we werent going to see each other anymore and call it quits. At that point, a friend of mine suggested that we were developing "feelings" for each other. I told him that I didnt want to be his girlfriend and i wasnt in-love but that my feelings for him were a bit more than just a friend. An hour after that conversation, he showed up at my job and was happier than a child in a candy store with a gift certificate. Before he left, he turned to me and kissed me on the mouth.

However, he is confusing as hell. At the beginning of our friendship and just about every day, both of us say how we dont want to be in another relationship ever again. He tells me how he hasnt had sex in so long yet he isnt out trying to get laid. He is with me every morning before I go to work and every night when I get done working. even thought we both talk about sex 50 times a day, he says he isnt worried about it right now. He is very sexy and he knows it so its not his confidence thats holding him back from going out to get laid.

He hugs and kisses me on the cheek every time we say good-bye. Last night he took his breakfast sandwich out of the microwave so that he could cook mine, then he put his back in. Yesterday my girl friend accused him of having feelings for me and he said "I wish I did. It would be great but it hasnt happened yet". But then he tells me everyday that he doesnt want a girl.

After one of our last arguments he said that he thinks i am falling in love with him and that he doesnt want to be a replacement for my ex-boyfriend.

Does he like me as more than a friend? If i ask him he tells me no and then he wont hug me for a few days. But, eventually we always go back to it. Somebody help!!!

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You need to believe him. He says he likes you as a friend, yet you are looking for signs that he likes you as more than a friend. When you ask him about it, he stops giving you hugs (to draw a clear line for you).


I'm thinking no, he doesn't feel anything for you beyond the friendship. So enjoy the friendship, but don't look or hope for more. It will likely end in heartache- yours, not his.

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I've been in your situation, more than once. And the guy did NOT have feelings for me like that...when he's nice to you, it makes you think he wants more...you are wrong. He told someone he does not have feelings for you. He is non-affectionate when the subject comes up. When the tension from this dies down, he knows its ok to be nice again. But because you keep questioning it, he's getting aggravated. He doesn't want to talk about it, so you'll get nowhere with this. It would be nice to have a talk, but I don't think he wants to. I say start dating and spend less time with him, but it doesn't mean you can't still be friends.

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