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its me again

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Today, my friend whose thoughts of me are in question, showed up at the library where I was doing some research. He came in and gave me a smile, picked up a book and sat down next to me and started reading. I think I already know how he feels. I just need someone to tell me that I am right so I dont let the wall down any father than it already is. He has my number programmed in his cell under "Princess". He set a reminder in his phone for my dentist appointment "Baby has appt at 11:00".

Twice now I have run into 2 of his friends. By the time I called him and said "hey I saw so & so" he told me that so & so called to let him know that they saw me. He show me that he cares about me in so many ways and so many times. I'm just hoping I am more than a friend to him as he has become to me.

Please help! I dont have the balls to ask him to his face and if i try to jedi mind trick him and send him a text saying "just tell me you dont have the same feelings for me" he wont answer me. I just want to be able to relax. I dont want to move forward yet. I just want to know that we are on that track.

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He calls you princess, baby, and his friends ring him up to say they've just seen you? And you need...reassuring that he likes you as more than a friend? Of course he does! :laugh::lmao: You shouldn't need to worry, you're on the exact right track. Just relax and enjoy the fact that you've got lots of happy things to come!


Calm down! You have what most people in this section of the forum dream about!


All the best!

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