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about a coworker


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I've been interested in a coworker of mine for about 3 months. He knows of my interest because one of my friends told him without my knowledge at the time. We had a really nice date a couple of months ago around his birthday. I initiated that one but he accepted and he paid for everything. He even suggested that we share food.


It seems like whenever we're around each other he can't keep his eyes off me. He's always looking in my direction. He had been doing this before my friend even spoke to him. He walks by my area several times a day and looks in every time. It seems like he puts himself in my space. He sits near me at meetings. However we've only really had a few conversations other than the standard "hey how are you" in passing.


Here's where my confusion comes into the picture. Last Friday I called him to invite him out with a group of people but he said he couldn't go but he told me to let him know the next time I go out. So I mentioned my birthday this past Saturday and asked him if he wanted to know the details when I set it up. He said yes. Then he started talking about group happy hours every Friday. He says they'll start up next month and he does the inviting. He wanted to know if I wanted to be on the list. So I told him yes.


He was really weird at work last week. He seemed pretty detached from everyone up until Thursday. Then he started putting himself in my space again but wouldn't say anything. I sent him a text message on Wednesday about my birthday and he didn't respond. On Friday he said hi to me even though I was busy (normally he wouldn't say anything when I'm busy). I sent him another text that night to see if he was going to go. He told me that he had plans that day and wasn't sure when he'd get back so he couldn't commit to anything. Am I overreacting to that message? Is he interested or just being friendly? He never tells me a straight yes or no. He seems to leave the door open all the time. Any suggestions?



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I can see why you're frustrated! I too would be! If I were you though, I'd come straight out and ask him. Just tell him that you had a really great time on your date and you hope he did as well and you'd really like another one..see how he responds to that. Alot of guys are shy and it's hard for them to express their feelings and perhaps that's his problem. If he goes out with you again then there you go, you have your answer. If he acts "shady" i'd come right out and ask him..Are you interested or not, you keep sending mixed signals..If you're to shy to say all that to him, text him and say it....Good Luck with that and I guarantee you guys will have more dates to come!

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Thank you for the advice! I almost approached him about it but I get so nervous. Plus he didn't talk to me all last week. I didn't even get a casual hello or head nod from him so I lost my nerve. :(

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