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Figuring out how

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To do it right next time.


For all of you here that have had to rebuild your life. What do, did, you need out of your next love.


I am trying to decide what is of the most importance because I want it right this time, half of my life is gone and I want the second half, what ever there is of it to be the best??




some of mine are the things i asked my husband of 26 years for, and his reply was ( if you want that, its not here, but you can work on it)


Passion, and this is not just about sex

Unconditional love

Lust, this is about sex hehe



I do believe I have found these, and it was sitten real close for sometime, new things I am thinking about, a loving respectful partnership, I never want to be in a degrading relationship again, I want to hold my partner first, and know he is holding me first, I want to trust that what we build will be for the benefit of both of us evenly.


add to the list, at your own risk

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I'm in my early 50's soon to be divorced and my list goes as follows


1. to require NOTHING from men,nothing at all, I don't want promises of fidelity and loyalty, I don't want their money, I don't want their help doing or fixing things.. nothing,zero, nada zilich by the same token I also don't want to hear about their problems, I'm not interested in cooking for them,doing their laundry or cleaning their places, I'm not interested in their ex-wife or child support woes. We all have our burdens to bear, I'll spare you mine and I don't want to hear yours.


All I want at this stage of my life is occasional light hearted companionship,, dinner, a drink or two.. with me either paying the bill or splitting it, casual sex without any strings if we both feel like it



I expect nothing and all I want from men is basically for them to leave at evenings end.

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Hello Hun,

I read the words and I feel them. For the first time in my life a woman has shown me what its like to have an equal in a relationship. I am amazed, I never knew emotions could be so pure. No games, no "Whats in it for me?", not having to carry the load alone or be the only strong one. You have shown such patience and understanding for my shredded heart. Thank you, no man could ask for more from a woman.


And yes this was a little off topic but I couldn't control myself :)

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