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How can I let Him Know i'm interested?


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'I'm completely f****d up and you don't want to go there with me' works quite well on me too: ooh only me me me can fix this damaged man and make him whole again.

Ahhh, does the "I loved her so much, so many years ago, she broke my heart forever, I'll never love again, I'm destined to live forever alone as a broken man still holding on to the memory of one true love" get you going too?

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Wha...? You mean to say...those are just lines?! What about the emotionally damaged gay guy who pined after his long ago love - surely I fixed him with my affection. No?! THOSE WERE ALL LIES?

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Hum.... I have read the first 9-10 pages.. then I thought.. this is BS.. I don't buy this story..


then I read the last few posts.. and from what I read.. it confirms my thoughts..


What I find a bit fishy is a few times she mentioned something like :


These older guys are just out of practice.




but I have to say that is does seem to be entertaining.. although I lost interest in the middle.. :o


She seems to be unsure (at 40) how to approach this guy and from a few posts I read.. she was saying how she knew exactly how to handle him.. blablabla... :laugh:

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Hum.... I have read the first 9-10 pages


Aww Lizzie! This is great. We've had such fun! Suck it up and read all 22. I don't do threads like this but we've all be hanging on the edge of our seats to see what she comes up with next! Really just read her posts!

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paddington bear
Ahhh, does the "I loved her so much, so many years ago, she broke my heart forever, I'll never love again, I'm destined to live forever alone as a broken man still holding on to the memory of one true love" get you going too?


Only if said ex died...yup this was told to me too and yup...oh oh only I can fix this broken man with my love...


wondering has DC fixed his ED...cue drum roll....

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Yesterday,when he picked me up, we went and got the boy and dropped him off at my sisters. I went out to dinner and got back to his house at about quarter to 9pm. I was waiting for him to "make a move" but nothing seemed to be happening. Finally, I looked at him and pointed towards the ceiling and winked at him i.e. lets go upstairs. Why did he totally ignore me? He started watching some movie and I actually fell asleep on the couch. He wasn't as frisky as he's been in the past. When I woke up he had gone upstairs to bed without me. I went upstairs and opened his bedroom door and he was sleep. I was pissed. I took my clothes off and got in bed with him. That'll wake him up! Well,

here comes E.D. He couldn't perform, BUT when I suggested the other thing (o.s.) as he was lying on my stomach, he refused, so I elbowed him on the top of his head beacuse I have a black belt in ju jitsu and I was really pissed. He grabbed my face and said, "What did you just do?" I brought my arm up around him and got him in a headlock. Hee Hee Hee. Either fu_k or fight, right? Why did this little scuffle turn him completely on?

He got out of the headlock and "drew his weapon." He was on fire. It was great. I just kept thinking, "It would be humanly impossible for him to keep this up forever. Eventually, he's going to have to stop." Everytime I woke up, that man was on me. I guess Darren just needs me to kick is ass everytime before sex, so that he can perform. Oh, I'm not as young as I used to be. I can't keep having to beat him up to get sex. I said I might get UGLY if he couldn't perform and it worked to my benefit last night. We didn''t go to Luray today. We're doing a movie later tonight and then a little fight of course.

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Cherry Blossom 35

The man left you and went to bed by himself?


Then you followed him up there?


Then you ju-jitsued him in the old noggin? That's pure craziness!


He had sex with a woman who just knocked him upside the head?


You're both totally off your rockers! Keep posting!

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OK. So Darren just left and Gray is on his way back home. Daren and I had just got back from the movies a short time ago and I told him when we walked into my house that Gray would be home at 9pm. He walked over to where I was sitting on the couch and said, "When will he be back?" and then he plucked me in the forehead. It really hurt. A plick hurts. Of course, I gave him a blow to the chest and then chopped him over the back when he fell forward. He quickly got control of me and started pulling my clothes off and we had sex on the livingroom floor. Oh my God! He's can only get aroused if I beat him first. That's why he plucked me. He wanted me to beat him up. He's going to have to get some Cialis. I can't keep doing this. How can I tell him that I'm not doing this. The sex isn't anything freaky. It's just the beating him up part or wrestling him part. He doesn't hurt me at all during any of these antics, but I feel weird. It's always something!

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MMMmmmm.... angry sex! Awesome stuff :D. When she asks you if those jeans make her look fat, you tell her she looks like Danny DeVito with hair, she takes them off in a rage, and then you throw her over the bed, you just know the sex is going to be hot. :lmao:

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So I haven't talked to Darren since yesterday afternoon when I called me at home. I said, "Am I going to have to beat you up to get sex out of you everytime?" and he didn't reply. He just changed the subject. I was talking to my sister and she was saying that I should hurt him next time and that would take the sexual appeal out of scuffling with me. I could do something like sprang his wrist or black his eye. He's a really big guy 6'4 245lbs. I would have to come at him really aggressively to hurt him and then he would know that it was no accident. I think i'm going to have to accidentally hit him in the mouth. The taste of his own blood might break him out of this. Anyway, we did make plans for dinner tonight. I'm kind of in a somber mood because I think I'm falling in love with him and with my actions tonight, I might win a love or lose my heart. BUT either way, it's clear that I'm going to have to F_CK. HIM. UP!

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What do you really get out of making fake threads?


They get to use their creative writing skills whilst laughing at people gullible enough to believe their fantasy stories.

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They get to use their creative writing skills whilst laughing at people gullible enough to believe their fantasy stories.



My fantasies are not hardly about a 51 year old man with ED. They are usually about a 35 year old stud. Now, I do get something out of being so candid with stangers. I'm enjoying it. Really, I'm a super private person, so this is very different, but I like it. It's cheaper than a therapist. And you can't really tell your friends that your new BF might be a freak. I really don't think he's a freak however. And when i hit him in the face tonight, I think it's going to be the beginning of a HEALTHY sex life.

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I think you're f*cked up.


Pencil up nose, underpants on head and wibble wibble, I'm mentally ill.


Karate Chops on the head, pot noodles in bed, what's the dating world coming to I ask?

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I think you're f*cked up.



Lucky One, I think the sanest people of all are those of us who can admit that we are a little crazy. I admit that freely. But I'm a good kind of crazy and so wre my parents and so is my son. I recently went the the nurse here at work because I needed something for my throat. She took my blood pressure and then took it again. She didn't believe the first reading because I have the blood pressure of a child. I'm 40 years old and have no visable signs of aging. I look like i'm 20 something. This is because I laugh at all of it. You can be all stressed out and serious and kill yourself, but I'm going to stand here and smile looking like a kid. This thing with Darren my go all to hell, but it's casual. I'm not stressing over any of it. So am I fu_ked up? No, I just have a different view of the world than you might. Life is a comedy. Laugh it up!

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The scary part is that IF there is the slightest chance that any of this is true, you are advocating physically hitting some stranger (and yes, even though you have managed to get him to f*ck you, he is still a stranger) to get him to f*ck you "normally".


You are taking a great risk in getting your ass kicked or being bent over the couch anally raped or just accidentally killed.


Your funeral. If you think this is normal or fun, then yes, you are f*cked up. And to say that you are falling in love with an ********* like this? That is even more f*cked up.


You would prostitute yourself like some cheap whore who specializes in men who can't get it up just bc he seems like a wealthy "good catch"? What a role model for your crazy ADD kid.

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Hey, rod in georgetown? Why don't you go meet this nutcase for coffee one day this week, and report back to us if she is all that AND a bag of chips? Maybe you can meet the boy, too.


Wait - you ARE strong enough to protect yourself, right? She likes her coffee rough.

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