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How can I let Him Know i'm interested?


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I know. But I do like him. If he would just do the oral s thing, I wouldn't notice so much that his penis is broke. When he refuses that, it really makes me notice what his peni$ is not doing.

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I'm way out in front of you 2sure. I've been there done that.


Fast forward we have met and are now in a relationship and he is now bothering me with his erectile dysfunction that he won't get help for.

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Darren just called me and said he's leaving work in 10 minutes and will be on his way here to pick me up.


I asked him if we could stop by Pharmacist counter at CVS on the way home and see what they might have to help "with our problem." I meant the ED.


He said, "I don't think so and I'd advise you to drop it!" And hung up.


This is what I'm up against on a daily basis. How can I drop it? It affects me too. Me especially.

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You hung up before I was finished talking! I started to say that maybe we could stop by the GROCERY STORE store then and see if THEY have anything to make you do the oral s_x.




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You should not have sent that. Now, you wil have to take the train again.

Maybe, he did not get a chance to read it. You're impulsive DCGirl.

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I think I just "recalled" the email.

I went to "Actions" and clicked "Recall This Message." I think that takes it out of their inbox.

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That just sends him an email saying, "The sender would like to recall this message."


He can still read it.

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Well, he's downstairs??? so I'm going to go and accept this last ride home. I guess he'll see the email in the morning. Maybe, he already saw it???


It wasn't so bad. it wasn't vulgar or anything. I just asked if we could go to the grocery store.


I'm about to find out I guess. I hate this!

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I wanted to tell yoiu not to try to get any tonight.


If he hasn't seen that email, it will look like you just hurried up and got some knowing all the while that you sent him that email and didn't deserve any.

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Cherry Blossom 35

My friend had a boyfriend (whom she later married) with ED. He refused to talk about it. She was not allowed to bring it up. This went on for MONTHS. Don' t know if they ever resolved it, but let me tell you, it sucked for her mostly because he wouldn't talk about it.


And he won't go down on you? Seems like your options for pleasure are pretty limited here.

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OMG! I started reading this thread and couldn't stop but when I finally got to the part about the chicken and I couldn't read anymore...this has to be made up!! I wasn't going to say anything but I can't control myself. Quit making crap up and get a life!


If this is real, it's the craziest thing I've ever heard. Why the heck would you want to be with someone who takes a chicken out of the oven and leaves with it? Also, at the begining you were saying your son was a jacka** then later you refered to him as a sweet boy? What the crap is that about did you forget you'd refered to him as that in like 4-5 posts?

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OMG! I started reading this thread and couldn't stop but when I finally got to the part about the chicken and I couldn't read anymore...this has to be made up!! I wasn't going to say anything but I can't control myself. Quit making crap up and get a life!


If this is real, it's the craziest thing I've ever heard. Why the heck would you want to be with someone who takes a chicken out of the oven and leaves with it? Also, at the begining you were saying your son was a jacka** then later you refered to him as a sweet boy? What the crap is that about did you forget you'd refered to him as that in like 4-5 posts?



FYI - The 6 yerar old is a lot of things sweety jackas$, etc. But at the end of the day, he's the love of my life.


Also, this is a diary of sorts for me, so at any point feel free to stop reading.

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I wanted to tell yoiu not to try to get any tonight.


If he hasn't seen that email, it will look like you just hurried up and got some knowing all the while that you sent him that email and didn't deserve any.



I leave shortly before 4pm usually. Maybe, you could try typing a little faster.


I did try to get some.

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Darren picked me up yesterday and I was so worried that he might have already read that email, but he got out of the car when he saw me and gave me a big hug. I was so relieved. He said that we were going to take Rock Creek Park route home and so we drove through the park. He was being really frisky with his right hand?


He actually pulled over to a kind of secluded little parking lot that led to a bike trail. Now one was around and he suggested that we get in the back seat. I couldn't get back there fast enough.ha! Luckily, I was wearing a skirt. I thought that we were going to have a "quickie," but Darren actually did the deed. He went down. He was EXCELLENT!!! I asked him what had he been saving that for. He kept going until I climaxed and then he waited a couple of minutes and started again.


I was about to climax for the second time and he stopped and asked me if this is what I wanted. I said yes. He said, "Good, now get out!" I said "Excuse me?" He said, "Get the hell out! I told your dumb butt not to send me anymore sh_t over that email and if you ever have anything to say to me, you better say it in my face. Now, get your as$ out of my car!"


I refused. He took my panties that he had removed and toss them out of the car. I did not go and get them because I knew he would try to drive off. Once he saw that I was not gong to get out and he KNEW that he could not make me get out of the car, he got back in the front seat and drove off with me in the backseat.


He dropped me off at Gray's aftercare and I did not hear from him all evening, but all I kept thinking about is the oral s_x and how I might not be getting anymore. I didn't think it was a big deal, but he's so great at it, it is a big deal now. Why do men do this!

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You should have put him out of the car and left him in the park.

Never get undressed first. And certainly don't take anything off if he doesn't.


Are you going back to the park to look for your panties? :laugh:

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All Star -You're so funny i forgot to laugh.


I really should go back to the park and look for those panties. I paid $22 for those. I brought them to wear for Darren.


Maybe I should sue him in small claims over them.

The real tragedy here is that I may not get anymore oral se_. You know he can't do anything else consistently.


Anyway, I'm hurt also by the idea that he was really going to leave me there in the park by myself. I don't like that. I need to find out if he was really going to do it.

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Yesterday was awful. Not the oral s_x, but the rest of it. I'm troubled by the thought that you would have left me there in the park vulnerable,alone and with no way to get home. Were you really going to drive off and leave me? Even if you never speak to me again, this can't end without you answering this question. I just want to know if you care anything about me.





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Honestly, I wanted to leave you out there more than anything I've ever wanted, but unfortunately it wasn't in me.

I knew you would be too selfish to get out of the car. I must love you or something.



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I'm curious DCgirl,


What is it that you hope for this relationship? What do you want from it and where do you hope to see it go?

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I'm curious DCgirl,


What is it that you hope for this relationship? What do you want from it and where do you hope to see it go?


I know that I love Darren and I want to have a life with him. I just wanted someone to pass the time with at first, but he's really grown on me. He does whatever the hell he wants like me and I like it.


I ultimately want to stop all of my bs and hold on to him for life. We both realize that my bs probably won't stop and he's ok with that. That's what I love about him.


He can say "mums the word" about his ED all that he wants because the truth is that I'm stuck with him ED or not. I won't tell him that though.


I'm so floored that he said he loves me or something. I'll take it.

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I don't think he would have left you out there. He must be in pretty deep to even had been there with YOU in the first place after all of the stuff you did. and there would have to be more that you're not even telling us about?


This is so amazing how this whole thing seems to have blossomed into a real love. One hello is how it starts, folks. You might win a love or lose your heart. I love quoting songs.


From the subway platform to the wedding chapel?

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