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Continue random hangout sessions w/my ex bf...or leave it alone now?

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My ex bf and I had gotten back in touch with each other through email. We broke up May '06...saw each ("hooked up") off and on 'til like Jan '07, then I found out he was seeing the chic i suspected and let it go. I was in love with him, and it hurt...so I just cut off all communication. He had called me since then a few different times asking about us hanging out and telling me how he misses me, but I always declined. Anyway, a couple of months ago I emailed him saying, "hey how are you, I'm good" and that's about it...just a cordial msg. He called me like the next day and we talked for hours. Since then we've met up a couple times, it's usually after the club so around 2am-ish. I am seeing someone, and he's a nice guy...being around my ex doesnt stir up old feelings of me wanting to be with him. Yet, he's the one asking about my new man, and asking what i've been up to. (we've met up 3 times now)...we laugh and have fun. he's always trying to feel me up. i told him to stop being a sl*t...he replies all men are sl*ts...i was like whatever and we laughed and continued talking and chillin' together. then as the time progressed he continued to try to be free with his hands...i told him to chill out because he's involved with someone, and so am i. he then talked about how we used to be when we were in a relationship, and said he doesnt know what happened. i didnt say anything. then he began reminiscing out loud about how i used to give IT to him. was i tempted? h*ll yeah!...but it's that time of the month. he had an erection and i, at this point had started touching him. he said, i should let him "bend me over" one more time...i chuckled...and then said, i want to f*ck you too, but i can't. then he says...you're a grown woman...i said this is true, but i cant. my reason for not doing so was telling him it's that time of the month. he asked why'd you pull it out and you knew that...told him i just wanted to touch him. anyway we chilled a lil' more then he left after a while (it was about 6am). his phone had been ringing...i laughed and said you better go so you won't get in trouble...my ph had rang a few times and he insisted on trying to discuss my man. i didnt discuss him with him. but anyway my sister told me to run for my life because i've met this new guy who is cool...i'm asking you all should i have sex with the ex...yes i'd like to experience him once more then leave it alone...or should i be glad nothing happened and leave it alone now? he also was comparing himself to my new man (he knows nothing about him) but he was saying things like, so now you've got a good guy not like me. i asked him what he meant...he just replied i know what you like. i was like he's a cool guy. then he asked was my new man going to try to marry me and stuff like that. yeah my ego boosts when he asks those questions, but deep down i'm like...our relationship ended because you decided to step out with an older woman who was willing to buy you things (i know he's with that same person now). i'm like we could only be friends at this point because i'm over you and i don't think about you much, and the way you now live is not how i'd want my man to be (i didnt say this to him, but these are my thoughts). so what do you all think continue these after hour hangout sessions...or leave it be. (my man works nights saturday thru wednesday...that's why i wasnt with him)I know I shouldn't let me feelings, or temptation get the best of me...just curious to know what others think. Looking for a lil' feedback. :rolleyes:

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