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Crap! I might be in the dread "friend zone".


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I know this girl from a school club, and I kindda like her, we work together sometimes, and a few days ago I asked her to joined me for brunch and everything went fine. But I don't view it as a date (and I don't think it was), more like a friendly outing.


So... is this something that's worth pursuing? I want to ask her out to go eat again, but I'm not sure how she feels about this whole thing :(.


And we do see each other atleast once a week because of the school club, if this go wrong I would feel weird seeing her everyweek. Plus is it too soon to tell her that I like her? I've only known her for a bit (maybe a month). And I'm like 3.5 years older than her, for some reason it feels wierd haha.

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