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I don't mean to sound mean....


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Ok try the AIM.:rolleyes:


No thank you, I'll take your word for it. :) I'll leave the ghost chasing for the Ghostbusters. Or to anyone else who wants a scooby snack (maybe Caliguy?) :laugh:

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"Cuz like, you're so totally strong, rite?"


:rolleyes: Get over yourself, OP. Most LS participants - lurkers and posters alike - were looking for something at one time: support. Now the ones who stick around... most are the ones who have overcome their struggles and have enough empathy to help out by giving tough love or "nice love".


Perhaps you're withholding that you came here to bolster your perception of how much stronger you are? Actually, that just makes things sound worse.


I think we're just feeding the fire by responding to your thread. You're entitled to your own opinions, but making 'blanket statements' is rarely a winner.


If nothing else, I call you 'troll' as well.

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But I'm not weak especially since most females are. Have a good one.
Put simply, you're every bit as weak as the people you look down your nose at. You couldn't overcome the temptation to be mean and rude to people who need help and support. I think you will find that females and males alike, have their strong points and their weak points... just like you do. For example, I'm female and I have difficulty saying 'no' to people... consequently I find myself in situations I would rather not be in. Does this make me weak...? On one level yes. On another no. On another level, it makes me exceptionally strong in that I insist on putting others' needs before my own. It's human nature to be strong and weak in appropriate situations and whether you like it or not, your weak moment will come. It comes to everyone and it's in that moment you learn a damn sight more about yourself than anyone on any website can tell you... but what those people CAN do is help you make sense of it. So if you don't need help, or sense, or support, or random chit chat.... pray tell... what the heck are you doing here anyhow...?! :lmao:
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But I've been a longtime lurker here and I've been reading alot of threads and honestly majority of you guys are weak individuals, I'm sorry if I sound harsh.
LOL. You aren't even strong enough to keep your mouth shut before you criticize people who are in pain by calling them weak. Do you know the meaning of irony? Also, why lurk if you dislike it so much. Are you looking for some answers? How did you land here at LS?


It's very hard to make things work out once you've broken up, my Auntie always said things are never the same after a first break up. I'm a female and I've always learned to move on. I think most of you guys need some help.
Would you have known that if your auntie never pointed it out for you? Sometimes people need people. Don't be so obtuse. It's unattractive. What does being female have to do with "learning to move on"? Not every situation is the same and you haven't the foggiest idea what or who you are yammering about.


I just don't believe what people on the internet have to say,
So why are you here?

I don't think everyone here tells 100% of there problems when they make a thread. I'm saying everyone everyone,but at least 75% don't tell the whole truth.
Yeah, we all tell things from our own perspective. Reality is subjective; most writing is biased. As for telling 100% truth again sweetcakes, who are you to decide.


Again, I'm sorry
Passive agressive much?

for this but I feel like this is too much for me at the moment,
Why are you here then? Go on... get on... we didn't ask you to come.

If the one you want back does not feel the same way,accept it and move on as hard as it sounds, desperation makes it worse. It seems when one tells you guys to move on all you do is ignore them and say thanks to the person who gives you weak emotional support
That was almost a coherrant and valid opinion but then you back it up with this...
The way I see it is if your here for advice because your relationship is having alot of problems or your trying to get your ex back, than your answer lies within yourself
*sigh* If that were true people who come to LS would be talking to themselves not to others.

I'm sure you guys will all disagree with me and say I'm mean etc.
I don't even know what the point you are trying to make is. That people feel sad sometimes and come to an internet forum to talk? Uh yeah, obvioulsy. That you don't think it works or that LS is invalid? Then don't read it.

But I'm not weak especially since most females are. Have a good one.
Oh are we now? At least we aren't trolls.


For LS - Please don't consider this a troll feeding. I don't want her to answer me and if she does I wont respond. Ugh.

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What a dumb Bitch. Most women are weak? WTF?.......The only weak women I have ever met are senior citizens. Wow, what an ego the OP has. It's no wonder she can move on so easily. I can imagine she lives a lonely life at the top, looking down on all of us weak people. Too bad she couldn't pull her head out of her ass long enough to pass on her secrets of how to move on and live without emotions. Maybe she should realise breakups aren't difficult for her because she's emotionally retarded and does not the capacity to truly love another person. Just a guess. I do appreciate her reminding me that I cannot believe that which I read on the internet. I have always found the majority of people on LS offer some great support, motivation and encouragement to those looking to understand romantic/interpersonal relationships, breakups, possible reconciliations etc.


This OP should definitely work on her people skills. I'd say there is a specific emotional problem going on with her that she proved by starting a thread with the sole purpose of putting everyone on LS down.

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see what she's done, got all of you riled up,now someone

break out that Patron Tequila and Grand marnier and make a kick a$$ margarita contest, i'll be the judge and see who makes the best.

this im-poster havent even written back at all,wants to get attention,next time someone posts like this,dont reply,at all.

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Dee, sign me up for some Scooby-snacks. I too smell a rat...


You'd make a great Fred....

I'll dye my hair red and be your Daphne.

Pick me up at 8 in the Mystery van!

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