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Lost hope?

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Alright well I'll start off with the fact that I am 16, and am not very experienced when it comes to the ladies :confused: Me and my friend who I will call "L" have been friends for a couple of years now, and until now it is when we start getting pretty close. I had already admitted my crush on her back in February knowing very well that her feelings for me weren't going to be the same. Fast forward to this new school year, I notice that she is getting pretty close to me. Wherever I would sit down, she would be next to me. She would push my bookbag out of the way and I really didn't think of it much. Me and L even went to the movies once, but it was just a "friendly" date. So one day we are sitting on the bus on our way to school and she asks me if she can put her head on my shoulder and I let her do so. Again, I didn't think of it much until at the end of the day she did the same without asking. So I decided to take a risk and put my arm around her and even went on to hold her hand. She didn't reject me, and we were like this for the entire ride home. I felt like I was on top of the world :D The next day however she wants to talk to me and tells me that she liked holding hands and all that at first, but eventually felt uncomfortable. She started thinking about the fact I was one of her best friends and she felt it was wrong. L even went on to say she was "trying it out". I felt like crap basically, I felt she led me on. Some friends say that she is just confused but I really doubt it. I would really like to know what some of you think about this. Im so confused, and I don't know whether to keep acting the same or distance myself somewhat. I would really love to think that she is just going through a little phase and will come around soon enough but that seems so unlikely. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :o

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Assuming that she didn't have a boyfriend or someone of interest at the time, then I think you can safely give her the benefit of the doubt that she indeed was just "trying it out" to see if a relationship between you two would feel right for her. Unfortunately, she had to "lead you on" just enough to get some sort of conclusive feeling. She told you soon afterwards how she felt, so you might as well just leave it at that. I'm not saying to be distant with her nor am I saying that you should pursue her, but what I am saying is don't keep your hopes up that someday she'll come around.


Alright well I'll start off with the fact that I am 16, and am not very experienced when it comes to the ladies :confused: Me and my friend who I will call "L" have been friends for a couple of years now, and until now it is when we start getting pretty close. I had already admitted my crush on her back in February knowing very well that her feelings for me weren't going to be the same. Fast forward to this new school year, I notice that she is getting pretty close to me. Wherever I would sit down, she would be next to me. She would push my bookbag out of the way and I really didn't think of it much. Me and L even went to the movies once, but it was just a "friendly" date. So one day we are sitting on the bus on our way to school and she asks me if she can put her head on my shoulder and I let her do so. Again, I didn't think of it much until at the end of the day she did the same without asking. So I decided to take a risk and put my arm around her and even went on to hold her hand. She didn't reject me, and we were like this for the entire ride home. I felt like I was on top of the world :D The next day however she wants to talk to me and tells me that she liked holding hands and all that at first, but eventually felt uncomfortable. She started thinking about the fact I was one of her best friends and she felt it was wrong. L even went on to say she was "trying it out". I felt like crap basically, I felt she led me on. Some friends say that she is just confused but I really doubt it. I would really like to know what some of you think about this. Im so confused, and I don't know whether to keep acting the same or distance myself somewhat. I would really love to think that she is just going through a little phase and will come around soon enough but that seems so unlikely. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :o
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