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I have a guy that i sleep with, I guess we are fwb, but i wouldnt say we are really friends. Basically its all about sex and sex only.


We have known each other nearly a year, and slept together within an hour or 2 of meeting. The chemistry was that intense.


It still is intense, except for a break of about 5 months between Feb and July where we didnt see each other as I grew emotionally attached.


We started seeing each other again in july.


Last time we saw each other was 2 weeks ago - sex was amazing, lasted for about 6 hours. But then about 10 days later i contact him to hook up again , and he just makes an excuse. And i think but hey the sex was great, and so whats the problem? Why does he alwaus back off each time, and its always 3 weeks or even 4 before we see each other again?

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i have a guy that is similar to yours.


i made sure certain guidelines were to be followed so i can't say i blame him... it's the way i wanted it to be.


so - recently i am not seeing him mainly because he has a habit of smoking weed every time. he doesn't drink - but he smokes... i just think it's not necessary for me to see that - so for now i'm keeping my distance.

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paddington bear

as you got emotionally attached before, he's probably trying to ensure that it doesn't happen again by keeping a long time in between your encounters.

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