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Girl at work.. attracted but unsure


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I generally post in the break up forums, I recently broke up with someone dear to me (7 weeks ago) but am looking to meet someone new. I am considering moving countries, which is big, but my mind could be swayed judging on what happens in the next few months.


There's a girl at work who I would generally describe as a 'user' based on past behavior. This girl seems to attach herself to people that she can immediately gain something from. She attaches herself to me as a 'cigarette buddy' who she can pinch smokes from, except she seems to have taken the initiative to buy her own. She's since asked me other favors outside of work, I think this is just part of her user behavior.


She's in a completely different department to me, and if it wasn't for smoking we'd never see each other or have a reason to talk. She's one of the very few people I consider attractive at the moment, but just unsure how to proceed. We've been hanging out on breaks around 6 weeks (it happened slightly after my break up - she knows of my break up) and in the past 2 she has told me about ex - broke up 1 year ago, how she's been single since then and she fears ending up alone. We've talked about sex, but never personal sex, if you know what I mean.


I think we flirted today via email, but it's been a while since I've been in the scene (I bounded from 1 relationship to another over the space of 4 years) so it may have been entirely innocent. Basically she asked for a ride home (typical user behavior?), I told her I parked my car outside of the city (10 min walk) and she said she'd walk home instead because she needs exercise (she lives around a 20 minute walk). At that point I told her I was upset (sarcastically - "oh, gutted, I thought I had someone to walk me to my car"). She didn't get a ride home with me regardless.


I'm so out of touch by now - 24 and basically haven't needed to flirt since I was 20. I was a late developer and didn't really flirt 'til I was 18-19. I don't know if I've given enough information.. but is this girl interested in me? Is she trying to use me? Neither? Confused.


The underlying message of this thread is that an old dog wants to be taught new tricks. I know I'm not really old, but at the age of 24 and I've never really flirted before, I don't want to look like a total jackass.

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From what you've told us, I think I have to quote the Magic 8-ball: "signs point to No". If she was interested, she'd have probably taken you up on the ride, even if she lived 2 minutes from work and you parked 2 hours away. I'd certainly give it a try if I were you, but from my point of view, I'd say it's a longshot.


As to the 101's of flirting, that's definitely not my department. I'm great at flirting with people who aren't fair game, but as soon as they meet all criteria, I turn into the bumbling 13 year old geek. I'm sure others here will be able to help you in this area.

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