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Strip Clubs Not Just About Lap Dances

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Table dances exist and they are the least 'touchy' service clubs provide. The woman gyrates and undresses nowhere near you (next to the table). A lap dance is far more intimate. (I only know this because I dated a stripper).

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Annieo thanks for sharing your story. I read your thread from last year. It seems we have had the same reactions/emotions. Just wondering whether you still attempt to get information out of him. Has he relaxed at all in talking about it so you can get some authentic history? How are you doing with it now? Does it still feel as consuming as it did initially? Does it affect your day to day relationship with him still? Do you have any sense of whether he stopped the behavior? Have you had him followed when he is out at night?


I just can't imagine feeling this way much longer. I have been a wreck for 3 months. The only thing that has gone away are the acute anxiety attacks and the waking up in the middle of the night. I still get that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach due to the images in my head. Most definitely my trust is shattered for just about everything. Nothing seems as it was. I am sick of thinking about it and trying to manage through it. Sick of trying to systematically deconstruct the rationalizations and defenses (i.e. this is just entertainment, dancers instead of strippers, male bonding) he uses to dismiss the significance of what this was. I hate that he allowed this to invade our lives and sadly as result of his poor judgement, he is now paying the price by experiencing my constant pain. He is remorseful but it feels like too little, too late.

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I know how you feel I was engaged to a manchild ( as I refer to him ) who only went to strip clubs dated stripers etc... when I found out he cheated on me with a stripper I kicked him out had his name which was tatooed on me covered up. I got an hiv test neg of course. and moved on with my life. I find no time for men who go to strip clubs they are more interested in their fansty life than reality. so each time i meet a guy I ask him 1st question do u go to strip clubs? if they say yes then i move on. strippers break up realationships and marrages and familys. evenually the rush fizzles out when the cash flow stops. so u decide whats best for you and your family do you want to stay with a man who is lyeing and cheating comming home smelling like p...y or what?? you have to live with the choice im sure u will make the right choice.


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