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Any insights???


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I'm sure this is going to sound like the typical "does he like me?" situation, but I just need a little outside perspective on this. I have been friends with this guy for about 5 years and in the past two years or so we have really been spending a lot of time together. He was gone the first half of this year on a trip abroad but we still talked a lot and I really missed him at times. Since he's gotten back he comes over or calls me almost every day. I definitely have developed a little crush on him, but I'm one of those people who has to analyze every situation to death. Neither one of us has a whole lot of friends, and we seem to be each others' defaults when our other friends are busy. One of the problems is I'm not even sure if I like him or I just like having his company.


I've noticed whenever he walks into a room I can't help but smile and I feel so self-conscious when he is around. When he sits next to me I am aware of every time our arms brush and I just get this overwhelming urge to kiss him. There have been a few times when I have felt the same vibes coming from him. He'll give me one of his looks, or the way he walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders, or kissing me on the forehead. I don't know what these things mean from him.


We are both very reserved in that department for a variety of reasons, but I'm still not sure what his actions mean. I don't even feel like he's attracted to me, but then he gives me those mixed signals. To be honest I've tried to open myself up a bit, but I really don't want to be rejected or lose this friendship. He is also not very expressive of his feelings in any situation, and I think he would be afraid to even admit it if he did like me.


I guess I was just looking for any thoughts, questions, advice, insights anyone might have??

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sounds to me like the feelings might be mutual but maybe hes thinking the same as you about not wanting to ruin your friendship, i think you should be honest with him the feelings will always be there until you find out how he feels, he might feel the same, or he might not things might be uncomfortable for a while but thats better than hiding your feelings!

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I don't even feel like he's attracted to me


Bad sign


Difficult to take a friendship like this into a relationship. If I were you I'd save yourself the hassle and find someone else to think about.

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