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new guy! Is flirting so bad?

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i find myself flirting with women all the time...it generates a positive energy in both parties. one time a woman was running and i said out the car window "nice a$$ sweetheart"...she loved it...i felt good. another time i said to a woman "the thing about women is that...they always want to talk about the first thing that comes up"...it made her week...she laughed through the hallways...i liked it.

i know i can be a little less kurt...and glance my eyes, etc, but i like being verbal.


so here's the problem, my girl friend (though we have a relationship like a classic-cola that's lost it's fizz, but with a shot of rum) my girl friend caught me once "flirting"...caught me saying "who let you out, sunshine?" to a woman in a short flimsy summer dress, at a movie. well all hell broke loose. she didn't talk to me for a week. i had to stay with a friend until she accepted my appologies. so what should i do? stop my flirting? maybe if i bought my girlfriend a flimsy sundress?


what should i do?



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If you wanna know the truth flirting is wrong when males do it and innocent when females do it, that is how most women secretly feel about someone they care about.

I know alot of you are saying WHAT? but ladies if I am wrong please correct me.

Although I don't think you should stop your flirting b/c it is healthy in a way, you should consider toning it down and definitely not doing it in front of her.

If you were my man and flirted in my face, you probably would have got hit!!! :rolleyes:

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I see no problem with your behavior at all as long as you are willing to have your girlfriend flirt and say sexy things to every attractive man she meets also. I am sure her flirting and being suggestive to other men would not bother you in the least.

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i don't see anything wrong with flirty comments, but NOT in the presence of your girlfriend, and NOT leading to anything else. Just flirting is harmless, fun and brightens everyone's day. I like it when construction workers say Hi to me - sure, it's not tasteful, but who cares - they take my mind off the trouble i was thinking about and make me smile.


flirt on! carefully!


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Sure it all sounds healthy and fun, but what happens when the girl flirts back rather than walks away laughing? What about this spark that develops and flirting leads to, "Whoa, I like this girl." My coke and rum gf will never know...


Where do you draw the line?


(I think what he's doing is ok, but not in front of the gf of course.)


But I'm just being the devil's advocate here.


And I also agree bryanp. No double standards here. If you can say, "Nice ass, sweetheart," to some random girl, then she can walk by a hottie and exclaim, "Nice package, sweet thang." Now, how would you like it if she said something like that in front of *you* at the movies?





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Ok your woman my not feel you should be doing this to other ladies, but I bet she feels greatwhen some guy says some "flirting remark" to her!!!

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From a woman's point of view, flirting with another woman in front of your g/f implies you have absolutely no respect for her or a negative IQ. Unless the 2 of you are trying to get a 3rd for a night in, its a really bad idea. A 3some in a relationship also generally a bad idea.


Some witty flirting between friends/acquaintances is mostly harmless. This of course should be more witty than flirty. Sometimes you can't help it, and playing off someones mispoken words among friends is mostly a joke. Yelling to a jogger that you like her...whatever, NOT WITTY. VERY STUPID. I would have probably told you to kiss my a$$ and go play with yourself you shovenistic jacka$$. In a perfect world I would also have the right to hit you with a bat for aggravating me.


I generally don't like when strangers talk to me, and if they refer to any part of my body while doing so, I assume they're the type of person that for other reasons associated with their personality will end up in jail or hell. If you must talk to women you don't know, try and stick to good morning/afternoon/evening or weather.

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Wow! You haven't been slapped by anyone yet? Jeeze! I am amazed! You remind me of men that are usually interested in me but I would never date because they are jerks. Why on this earth would you ever say something like that in front of your gf? Did your brain cells all travel down to your other head?


I really like it when my man says these flirty things to me....even the shout out the window about her ass. My man is known for this behavior...but towards me. He would never yell at some woman he doesn't know about her ass or legs or how pretty she is. We both have the same thoughts about that kinda behavior... And I am sure of this because he never has even said things like that to me untill he was my man.


It's just very inappropriate to shout like a "construction worker".


Why don't you put the fiz back in that rum and coke and start telling her these sexy flirty things? I bet if you start making her feel sexy and like she is the spark in your eye she'll start acting a lil sexier and flirty too and that will put the fiz back in your relationship. :love:


But I think you should start to rethink your hoots and hollers...Maybe I'm picturing it different than it really is...but I keep thinking of a very shovanistic man ...or maybe the wolf in the cartoon who's eye's pop outta his head and his tongue rolls across the floor! :laugh:

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Come to think of it, if a guy said something like that to me in front of his girlfriend, I think I'd b*tch-slap him FOR her!...Then hook her up with a real man.


Then again, that's just me. ;)

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As a man I find this behaviour repulsive ... I used to be a slut and all so I'm not a prude, but that is just plain ole PATHETIC. Why on earth would she still be with you after a derogatory comment like that to a complete stranger is beyond me. I say you drop her on principle alone! :rolleyes:

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I'm a normal man and I would be offended if I saw someone flirt the way you do. If I saw someone flirt like that in front of their girlfriend, I would beat them up and then take her home myself.

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I'm not surprised that a generation that's been raised on Hip Hop and Rap videos believes that it's best to get down and dirty at the earliest opportunity.


In my opinion, saying "Nice ass." to a strange girl is not flirting it's verbal assault. I've met street whores that are interested in such appraoches but I think most women would, as many here have pointed out, just find you a jerk at the least and potentially scary as well.

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I think guys flirt just to make their egos uplift a little more especially when they already have a girlfriend.


I had a crush on this guy I used to work with and we used to flirt a fair bit but I knew he had a girlfriend so I


knew there was a line not to cross. He was a good guy but he was probably just flattered that another girl


had a thing for him. That's probably why he would flirt back just for the fun of it!

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