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How to let a guy know that I find him attractive [only through eye contact/smiling].

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Hey everyone,

I'm gona make as short n sweet as possible. When I find a guy attractive, I usually just give him a small smile and make eye contact. I tend to look away right away though since I'm a lil' shy in that sense. [but I'm not a shy person at all, and I'm really bubbly/ down to earth]. It's just the initial looking at him [or not to look at him] lol is what I'm having a lil trouble with. Should I look up again and then smile even more? LOL that sounds a lil' creepy but I just don't really know what to do. I'm usually experienced at this kind of stuff, but the thing is, I am changing my approach in terms of not approaching the guy and trying not to be so obvious. [My gfs tell me to take the 'traditional/old fashioned' approach, which is what I want to start doin]. I want to make it known that I think the guy is hot but not be overly obvious about it..or look desperate. The conversation part is easy, I can hold a charming and fun conversation, it's just the initial looking up or not kind of thing. I have looked up at this guy 2 or 3x tonite and noticed he was checking me out. I'm not gona look at him any more tonite cause I don't want him thinking I'm a weirdo LOL.


I notice guys checking me out, but then I don't know what to do about it lol look up or look away or what? This is sad cause I am not a shy person at all, I just get a lil' bashful at times in certain situations [like not knowing what to do, just like how I'm describing] lol.


Thanks for any feedback or comments. :-)

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Men are not the most observant of creatures and subtle hints do not process through the minds of lots of men, ergo you're plan is more than likely doomed to fail i.e Battle of the Somme comes to mind.

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Why do you want to be less obvious?


As an example, my wife came up to me and asked me to take off my sunglasses so she could see my eyes. :rolleyes:


And no, being subtle has never been a "strength" of hers. :laugh:

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