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6'1 and 180 pounds...can he be fat?


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This is a silly question, it's like asking hey everyone do you think 20lbs is a lot? Well it depends what you want the 20lbs for, are we talking 20lbs of money, fat, or sand?


He could have one of those bodies with localized adipose tissue and only gains weight in specific areas. Some people have chubby faces and have normal bodies or he could have 40lbs of fat on his gut alone and be totally lean everywhere else. 180 for a 6'1 is actually on the lean side and completely average, if he has no muscle tone he could be loose everywhere I mean the possibilites of what this guy's body looks like are endless without seeing him. It's like saying I know a really good looking guy he is tall, dark hair brown eyes, thin lips and a small nose yeah ok great millions of guys fit that description and can be so incredibly different you'd never think they had the same "description"

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I'm really tempted to post his pic on here...but that might be violation of his privacy right?


DO NOT post his pic!!!!

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DO NOT post his pic!!!!


Yea bad idea. Honestly, I think I'm just very bored at work here and the date is in a few hours thus the nerves are kicking in.....

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Meh don't sweat it, only one way to find out really..;)


He may have a great body in the end and you still won't find any chemistry with him in person, that's the nature of internet dates unfortunately...

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Don't be nervous, girl!


As I said earlier, it is just a meet with someone new with NO other investment or requirement beyond.


Just enjoy it, and have no expectations.

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just look it up online... you can see what the average weight is for that height




Hm, not bad idea. I went online and for a guy 6'1:

small frame - 152 to 164 pounds

med frame - 160 to 174 pounds

large frame - 168-192 pounds


Hm..I think this guy is probably a bit chubby at least cuz he's got to be large frame in order to be average. Aw f*** me. I'm gonna see him in a few hours and will know soon, no idea why I'm all wondering :laugh:


Ok, I just gotta be patient....

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Really? And this is just the weight issue that's making you uncomfortable like this? How about saving your energy for other troubling facts you are about to find out on him?

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LOL ok so I went online for some photographic height weight charts


6'1 and 180


Most of em look pretty good...but guess numbers are just numbers cuz of bone and muscle mass differenes.


Gosh, I'm bored. My boss is out so I'm here just chilling at work...:)

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I'm meeting someone from online for drinks. I don't think he's got an athletic build. Can he be a bit on the chubby side you think?


Not at 6'1 and 180. Thats probably an ideal weight for him without muscle tone though.

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Why sorry? hah. I'm 5'2 at 110 pounds so this guy will be HUGE compared to me. I know this sounds superfical (esp since I used to be fat when I was a kid and people made fun of me) but I really can not stand chubbiness in a guy I intend to date.


You are absolutely correct! .....it does sound superficial.

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Haha yea I'll know tonight when I'm meeting up with him. I know it's gonna be in only a few hours, but still, now that it's getting closer I'm getting a bit curious hehe. I guess a part of me just is a bit nervous about being disappointed.


Well then for your sake and his he'd better be a supermodel and just absolutely perfect.

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