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more girl problems

Brian T

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Me and my girlfriend was together for 2 years. It seemed to be the perfect relationship. We had an arguement about 4 months ago and she broke up with me. Well we started talking again and i have asked her back out a couple of times but she keeps saying that she not sure right now. We had a couple of arguements in the past and i have told her a couple of times that i would leave her forever. Well, i ran into her best friend at our local store the other day and she told me that she told her that she wants to get back together with me, that she still loves me but she is afraid that i would get tired of her and leave her forever or she is afraid that she will do something on accident to make me mad and i would leave her forever. Her friend also said, she said that she wants me in her life and that if we remain best friends that she has a better chance of keeping me in her life rather than if we dated. I would NEVER leave her and i love her more than anything on this planet. I have told her that several times. This is the girl of my dreams and i want to marry her someday. What should i do? Please help!!!!!


Brian T

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My immediate question is, why if you loved her so much, tell her you would leave her forever? Was this a just a threat? You are going to have to gain her trust again, because that appears to be the main issue, she doesn't know what to believe. One minute you are saying you will leave her forever and then you are saying you would never leave her. It is no wonder she is confused. You are going to have to try very hard, start of being good friends again, take it very slowly. It may take a long time and be prepared to wait and be patient. Whatever you do, don't rush her into going back with you.

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I don't know why i told her that i would leave her. I guess i was mad at the time. I love her so much that i would die for her. I did mess up a few times in the past by getting mad easily and yelling at her for no reason. I feel really bad because of that and i would NEVER EVER do that that again. I worship the ground she walks on. I would drink her bath water or get down on my hands and knees and kiss her feet if she wanted me to. Thats how much i realize i love this girl. I think about her ALL the time and im really desperate for her trust back. Any suggestions?


Brian T

My immediate question is, why if you loved her so much, tell her you would leave her forever? Was this a just a threat? You are going to have to gain her trust again, because that appears to be the main issue, she doesn't know what to believe. One minute you are saying you will leave her forever and then you are saying you would never leave her. It is no wonder she is confused. You are going to have to try very hard, start of being good friends again, take it very slowly. It may take a long time and be prepared to wait and be patient. Whatever you do, don't rush her into going back with you.
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Don't ever tell a girl you will leave her because she might just leave you. Start to talk about the future with her. If she has a few different ideas of what she sees in the future - DONT ARGUE WITH HER. Let her create her future fantacy's in her mind - as long as she includes you. All of the little details can be changed when the time comes. Let her know you want to be with her forever. Taker her to dinner, better yet try to cook something (not too much because if you say the right things and romance her the right way you won't be thinking of food!!). Do Not Be affraid to tell her you love her and want to be with her forever. You can't sit back and let her walk away if she is what you really want. You aren't "committing" yourself by saying that you are just letting her know how you feel at this momment.


You said something about fighting. Don't fight with her unless it is major. If everytime you fight when you are together it is going to be more of a chore to spend time with each other then something you both enjoy. I don't care who starts the fight you should be the better person to not start it or to end it as soon as it starts. If she starts it a good way to end it is not by getting mad but by looking into her eyes when she is upset and actually listen to what she is saying. When she is done THINK then respond to what she said calm and cool.


Good Luck

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