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I think I love my best friend

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I've been dating this guy for a year or so. I've known both my current boyfriend and my male bestfriend for three years and they are both good friends.

My friend has told me he has feelings for me but feels like hes betraying his friend. I love my boyfriend, but it's always like I'm comparing them. Most of the time my bestfreind seems like the one I'd rather be with. My boyfriend has also cheeted on me and he tells me who he thinks is hot in school. It bothers me.

My bestfriend and I are always saying how we're going to prom with eachother no matter what and how we'll end up together.

I don't want to break up with my boyfriend becasue I feel bad about it.

Even if I did call it off, my friend and i can't date because it's wrong for people to date their best friends ex :(

What should I do?

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keep the best friend where he is - every gal needs a male like this through their lives. if you were to date - then you risk losing the friendship.


break up with the boyfriend. he doesn't sound like he respects you enough for a long term healthy relationship.


and don't compare - that is not fair to either one of them... they are both separate people.

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I feel that if a friend of you bf wants to go out with you, all three of you are being disrespected and its pretty much over on all fronts. Sorry if that is too harsh.

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i say give it ago with your friend it if it doesn't work out why can u still stay friends your always going to have those feelings you cant bury them away!

Also your boyfriend doesn't sound very nice its nothing to do with him if he's done the dirty on you before how can he judge you?

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OP, you're really young. You'll likely have many boyfriends. The important thing for you is to be honest with yourself. If your current BF is disrespecting you and treating you poorly, dump him. If your "bestfriend" is interested in you and you feel likewise, date him. Remember, youth is the time for learning about relationships and about yourself. Serial monogamy is common.


I'll assume here that the two boys weren't best friends before you met. If they were, you have an additional problem, more a social one, in that it's generally frowned upon for a best friend to date his male friend's girl in the future. In this case you might be seen as a wedge between them and they might choose their friendship over you being in either of their lives. It's a risk, but my guess is you'll all be completely different people in a few years and these friendships will have changed completely by then.


Enjoy prom! :)

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