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im in love with my bestfriend!! URGENT!!!!


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last november i started dating this guy that i barely knew. We dated for less than a month and broke up( thats another story). But about a month later we started talking again. Ever sense then we have been BESTFRIENDS. I trust him with my life, he trusts me with his. I tell him everthing, and he tells me everything( for all i know). Ask anyone i hang out with im either txting him, on the phone with him, with him, or talking about him. I cant help it. We cant go longer than 30 minutes without texting/calling eachother.

Ever sense i went out with him almost a year ago, i havent been able to keep a boyfriend for longer than a week( and yes i was the one to break up with them). I just dont feel right if im not with him. And i didn't accually realize this until two weeks ago when i ignored my boyfriend because "he(the guy i rlly like)" wanted my attention. My two friends and my boyfriend told me right there to my face that they could see how much of a connection we had between us. Later than night he confessed to liking me still, and i told him how i felt too.

but theres one big problem:

he says he doesnt want to risk our friendship because we are so close and he's worried that if we ever broke up, things would be different between us. i told him i understand. but later than night, i realized the true meaning of love. its not " oh i want to just kiss him" or " i need to go out with him". its more like " i just want to be there for him, to help him when he needs me." ever sense i cant even look at another guy and say " oh hes cute". theres only one guy for me and thats him( lol). i think about all the teens who go " i love him" or " i love you" after a week or a few weeks or like 2-3 months. Love is something that grows and devolps from friendship.

but im stuck!

i dont kno what to do to make this guy realize how much i love him without coming on too strong.


this is confusing. just someone help me with this. whatever you have to say is welcome!!! :]]



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brenda collins

I know exactly how you feel. I am 23 years old and have been best friends with this guy since I was twelve. We never got together as we have both never been single at the same time and then i got involved with this creep for three years and we drifted apart. Now we are back to being best friends, only he now has a serious gf whom he adores and i am madly in love with him. You sound quite young, Im guessing you might be about fifteen or sixteen. All i can say to you is grab the opportunity to be with him while you can. Sometimes you dont see that the one you should be with is right in front of your eyes, unfortuabtly I realised that too late and now I may never get the chance to be with my one true love. I live every day kicking myself that I didnt realise my true feelings when i could have had him. Grab him before you lose him to another girl and seriously regret it...

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Well firstly if you want to go out with him i think you should re-assure him that nothing bad could possibly happen in a relationship as you are really close now as it is. Although he will most likely want some time to think about things a lot before making a final decision you could argue that you were together at the wrong time and the break up actually brought both of you closer than before so you could highlight a break up as something which strengthened your relationship but it sounds like your deeply in love with him and he loves you lot's as well so i suggest you both give it another shot

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last november i started dating this guy that i barely knew. We dated for less than a month and broke up( thats another story). But about a month later we started talking again. Ever sense then we have been BESTFRIENDS. I trust him with my life, he trusts me with his. I tell him everthing, and he tells me everything( for all i know). Ask anyone i hang out with im either txting him, on the phone with him, with him, or talking about him. I cant help it. We cant go longer than 30 minutes without texting/calling eachother.

Ever sense i went out with him almost a year ago, i havent been able to keep a boyfriend for longer than a week( and yes i was the one to break up with them). I just dont feel right if im not with him. And i didn't accually realize this until two weeks ago when i ignored my boyfriend because "he(the guy i rlly like)" wanted my attention. My two friends and my boyfriend told me right there to my face that they could see how much of a connection we had between us. Later than night he confessed to liking me still, and i told him how i felt too.

but theres one big problem:

he says he doesnt want to risk our friendship because we are so close and he's worried that if we ever broke up, things would be different between us. i told him i understand. but later than night, i realized the true meaning of love. its not " oh i want to just kiss him" or " i need to go out with him". its more like " i just want to be there for him, to help him when he needs me." ever sense i cant even look at another guy and say " oh hes cute". theres only one guy for me and thats him( lol). i think about all the teens who go " i love him" or " i love you" after a week or a few weeks or like 2-3 months. Love is something that grows and devolps from friendship.

but im stuck!

i dont kno what to do to make this guy realize how much i love him without coming on too strong.


this is confusing. just someone help me with this. whatever you have to say is welcome!!! :]]




I liked that. You are certainly in love and in fact kinda in my current situation as well. You two are practically a couple but not technically. You both do everything as a couple. Now I know that it could be a pretty strong risk but love is something that you can't keep inside of you. Keeping it inside is torture. Ask your best friend to give it a shot, if it doesn't work (It will since nothing will change from the current routine) tell him to just forget about you two being together as a couple. In other words tell him to just start it as a test or "experiment", afterwords just make it official. But in order to do this you gotta be very eloquent when you tell him how you feel and very honest. Just give it your best shot! Tell me how it goes. :)

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