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ex's friend

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I recently split with my ex of 4 years, we went traveling and met up with some friends and argued alot realized we had got together too young, the split was amicable and were still great mates.

The thing is one of the friends we met is one of his good guy friends who i have liked all along, we get on really well and i can talk to him about anything, as we broke up before we returned home, me and our friend had a kiss, it was amazing and now i cant stop thinking about him, he feels the same and we want to meet up when he returns in march. I know its wrong because hes friends with my ex but i cant help my feelings, will 7 months be enough for him to be okay with it? Or should i try and avoid the whole situation. Any advice welcome thanks

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You're 2 independent adults.

What's 'wrong' about it?

If you have feelings for each other, see how it goes. But if things get warm, you'll have to tell your ex- even if to stop him finding out from someone else.

But there's no law against it, you know.......

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