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Why men die first!

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Why do men die first?




*If you put a woman on a pedestal and try to protect her from the rat race...


You're a male chauvinist.

*If you stay home and do the housework .. You're a pansy.


*If you work too hard... there's never any time for her.


*If you don't work enough... You're a good-for-nothing bum.





*If she has a boring repetitive job with low pay... This is exploitation.


*If you have a boring repetitive job with low pay... You should get off your lazy


Behind and find something better.


*If you get a promotion ahead of her... That is favoritism.


*If she gets a job ahead of you... it's equal opportunity.





*If you mention how nice she looks... it's sexual harassment.


*If you keep quiet... it's male indifference.


*If you cry ... You're a wimp.


*If you don't... You're insensitive.





*If you appreciate the female form and frilly underwear...you're a pervert.


*If you don't... You're gay.


*If you like a woman to shave her legs and keep in shape...you're sexist.


*If you don't ... You're unromantic.





*If you try to keep yourself in shape... You're vain.


*If you don't... You're a slob.


*If she has a headache... she's tired.


*If you have a headache... You don't love her any more.





*If you want it too often... You're oversexed.


*If you don't... There must be someone else.




Bottom Line:


Men die first because they want to!

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Er, help me out girls, is it just me, or all the gay/pansy/wimp/insensitive things stuff he would be more likely to hear from another GUY???


The other stuff sounds mostly like crap from the 60s or nominal truths that could easily be countered by similar male stereotypical behaviors...


Still, I've got me mourning gear at the ready...:laugh:


I'm going to think on this one, I think I can come up with a better theory...sadly right now I have to go to my highpaying and demanding EEOC gift. :lmao:

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It's lifestyle. Men (at least in most of history) have had physically harder lives and don't take care of themselves physically as well as women.


Put more women out in construction and hard labor and put men in the kitchen. :laugh: Then we'll see who lives longer.

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Jersey Shortie

Put more women out in construction and hard labor and put men in the kitchen. :laugh: Then we'll see who lives longer.


:rolleyes: Men are built with more musscles. Of course most man would outlast most women in the contruction field. I could easily say, that men should have the babies and the women should stand just holding his hand and see who lasts longer.

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I've been thinking about this lately as I've been fighting my way back from the dead.


About a year and a half ago, I divorced my ex because he was a manipulative control freak who wouldn't let me work and when I insisted on working he went nuts and began raping me in every orifice in every room of the house. I suffered internal injuries from his brutality.


I escaped and went to another city for a while, fearing that if I stayed in my own home at the time that I would awaken to this insane rapist in my house once again. I met another man. I did an impossible job to make money to pay my mortgage and maintain and apartment. Then I got pregnant. A cop and another man intimidated me with a gun causing me to panic until I began bleeding. Then I gave birth to a dead baby girl. I lost so much blood that I nearly died. And so pardon me if I don't have much a sense of humor for men right now.


But, the reason that men die younger is that they are weak.


No man could survive what I've been through in just the last year or so... and the rest of my history doesn't get much better. Men put women through terrible things from the time we are born - it starts with our fathers. My father was the first man I had to survive and we women are built for survival. Men are weak. Maybe that's why they always have to brutalize women - to try to prove to themselves that they are strong because they know the truth.

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Zolar, I'm so sorry you've been through all that. But I think you have something there. I've known two abusers, only one of whom took it out on me, but I have to say that their similarities lied in weakness and pain.


As for men dying first...aren't they just supposed to? Isn't the human race geared for procreation and the female is the caregiver while the male is a sperm donor, so once the male reaches the point where his sperm is less viable, he should die? I mean, what good is he? Not like he's conditioned to tend the grands and great-grands, like the females are. Matriarchs are the stone of the family. Patriarchs are typically seen as cold and demanding and intolerant, in my experience.


I love men and I don't wish death on any of them, but hey, when you get to the end of your life/usefulness, why not die?

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Jersey Shortie

.....when you get to the end of your life/usefulness, why not die?


gee, then I guess at least half of america should be dead already.

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gee, then I guess at least half of america should be dead already.


I think more than half of Americans are dead already. Haven't we been around for over 200 years?

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Jersey Shortie

I think more than half of Americans are dead already. Haven't we been around for over 200 years?


:rolleyes: We both know that I wasn't talking about people who have already passed. Don't be purposely obtuse.

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